linrunner / TLP

TLP - Optimize Linux Laptop Battery Life
GNU General Public License v2.0
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About TLP & auto-cpufreq compatibility #724

Closed Dytique closed 4 months ago

Dytique commented 5 months ago

The reason for this issue is an ambiguity in the documentation about the compatibility between TLP & auto-cpufreq

During my researches about how to get the most out of the battery on my Linux laptop, I came across two great projects: TLP and auto-cpufreq. But, diving into the two projects, I realized that the possibility of running them in tandem was very ambiguous. I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask about this, but I haven't found any good answers anywhere else (even on the auto-cpufreq Discord server, where I met other users with the same goal).

In the TLP docs, it says:

auto-cpufreq: only impacts CPU settings that are not active in TLP’s default configuration. There will be no conflict as long as these remain deactivated.

But in the default config of TLP(UI), I see those CPU-related parameters enabled by default:

I frankly don’t know what those settings do, but it seems to me that this has an influence on CPU behavior that could conflict with auto-cpufreq.

So I was wondering if it would be possible to clarify this point in the documentation, because I sincerely believe that it would be a huge gain for the whole Linux community to be able to use these two great tools in a complementary way.

TL;DR It would be great to

Alternatives I've considered I've considered using TLP's CPU management features, but they require more advanced technical skills and manual configuration, and I'm afraid of damaging my hardware by fiddling with it. On the other hand, I've considered uninstalling TLP, but I think it's a shame to part with the multitude of features TLP offers.

Additional context Here's the initial post I made on the endeavourOS forum:

Dytique commented 4 months ago

It seems that my issue is hidden by GitHub, maybe I should post it on the TLP-docs repo ?

Dytique commented 4 months ago

I'm closing this since it's a duplicate.