linssen / vagrant-puppet-nginx-uwsgi-flask

A pretty bare set up for running Flask in nginx through uwsgi in Vagrant deployed by Puppet. Got it?
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Fix newlines in uwsgi upstart conf #6

Closed linssen closed 9 years ago

linssen commented 9 years ago

I've moved the params into the init.pp and then looped through them on one line in the template. It works for me, but do you want to try it, @mlt?

Fixes #5

mlt commented 9 years ago

It works for me as well and it looks better than ad-hoc solution I had! It is time to dig ruby:-) However, while we are at that, I noticed the following in the screen log.

==> default: Warning: Variable access via 'params' is deprecated. Use '@params' instead. template[/tmp/vagrant-puppet-3/modules-0/uwsgi/templates/uwsgi.conf.erb]:7

I think I saw same about domain vs @domain somewhere else.

linssen commented 9 years ago

I think I've sorted the scope deprecation warning. I do still get some from puppet itself for upstart, but I think that's platform specific + it's not causing any problems.