linssen / vagrant-puppet-nginx-uwsgi-flask

A pretty bare set up for running Flask in nginx through uwsgi in Vagrant deployed by Puppet. Got it?
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Internal server error after vagrant reload #9

Open pestrov opened 8 years ago

pestrov commented 8 years ago

Everything runs just fine until you try to reload the machine. Any ideas why this could happen?

linssen commented 8 years ago

What's the error?

JFreegman commented 8 years ago

I'm having the same issue. Here's the uwsgi log showing the first successful load, and the second unsuccessful load after a vagrant halt && vagrant up.

This doesn't happen when I just suspend the machine.

Edit: If I run the uwsgi init command manually or service uwsgi restart it works.

linssen commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the late response, I've not looked at this for a year or so. Looks to me like upstart isn't automatically starting / restarting uwsgi. I'd suggest having fiddle with the manifest about here. If you have any success, a pull request is always very welcome.

Thanks for the logs and report, @JFreegman. Let us know how you get on.