linstula / ember-cli-bootstrap

ember-cli addon for Twitter Bootstrap
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Adding to new CLI project creates compile errors #39

Open thewatts opened 9 years ago

thewatts commented 9 years ago

Added to a new CLI project

version: 0.2.0-beta.1
node: 0.12.0
npm: 2.1.8

and received this error in the console on startup: Uncaught Error: Cannot callcompilewithout the template compiler loaded. Please loadember-template-compiler.jsprior to callingcompile``

Tried this solution with no avail.

Had to remove it altogether to remove the errors.

Thanks for all the hard work you do!

robj commented 9 years ago

+1 with this issue

20v100 commented 9 years ago

+1 with this issue

johnferrie commented 9 years ago

+1 with this issue

drewcovi commented 9 years ago


Morganjackson commented 9 years ago

+1 with this issue

bahudso commented 9 years ago


asmith60 commented 9 years ago

+1 with this issue

crabbits commented 9 years ago


michaeljonathan commented 9 years ago


DanLeininger commented 9 years ago

+1 this happened to me too

petahbred commented 9 years ago


shutyaev commented 9 years ago


$ ember version version: 1.13.8 node: 0.12.7 npm: 2.13.4

kgish commented 8 years ago


mehrdadrafiee commented 8 years ago


ember: 2.4.3 node: 5.9.1 npm: 3.7.3