lintangtimur / ovoid

Un-Official OVO API Wrapper
MIT License
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Porting into another language #11

Open lintangtimur opened 5 years ago

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

I hope someone want to porting into another language like Javascript, Python, GO, Java

ii64 commented 5 years ago


ii64 commented 5 years ago

Okay, heads up! one more thing to test. I just need to logout OVO Account from my phone either register the new one, but everything else already ported


lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

change deviceId or check logout function

ii64 commented 5 years ago

change deviceId or check logout function

Yes, in couple of minutes. I leave my phone at home - I already logged into the OVO App on Android so i guess i need to logout from it? Or, Have you managed to signup/register new phone number?

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

2 Options

"Have you managed to signup/register new phone number?" not yet

ii64 commented 5 years ago

What the maximum allowed of device logged in? (i didn't login with this api neither my prototype so there's no possiblity for unused login session) 1 device only? (the only one logged on my phone?) Or i need file the support to logout entire login session? (because idk what device logged, i just remembered i have one and that's my phone) Anw about the deviceId, it's random UUID right? Also, what about this one? Why you hardcoded them? (Sorry if i ask too many question)

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

What the maximum allowed of device logged in? (i didn't login with this api neither my prototype so there's no possiblity for unused login session) 1 device only? (the only one logged on my phone?) Or i need file the support to logout entire login session? (because idk what device logged, i just remembered i have one and that's my phone) Anw about the deviceId, it's random UUID right? Also, what about this one? Why you hardcoded them? (Sorry if i ask too many question)

from what i know, only 1 device only. Yes random UUID. FCM(google push notification), i think it doesn't matter so i make it hardcoded

ii64 commented 5 years ago

Ok most of them already ported now. But somehow i can't transfer the OVO Balance within this error. You sure the payload is right? image image

Oh yea, notification id returned from getBalanceModel (device logged in also there too!) same with yours

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

Ok most of them already ported now. But somehow i can't transfer the OVO Balance within this error. You sure the payload is right? image image

your error same like me, if i remember correctly payload for transfer endpoint is right, can't test it yet

ii64 commented 5 years ago

Or this could be the account? Because OVO has 2, the one that after you registered, and one other after you file the picture of you and National ID Card (if I remembered, this one able to do balance transfer)

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

my ovo app registered with national id card, and if you want to transfer you need to rgister first

ii64 commented 5 years ago

Checkout ported Python3 one here,

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

Checkout ported Python3 one here,

thanks, great examples and documentation. Your repo already added into my ported list

ii64 commented 5 years ago

Yea you're welcome 😉 I might be port them to JS too (since I mainly use JS for web development), how about doing payment such as purchasing Mobile data bandwidth, or Game Voucher or.... Pay electricity/telephone bills? This would be cool right! imagine you can just build your own payment billing website. Industry 4.0 has begun.

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

Yea you're welcome 😉 I might be port them to JS too (since I mainly use JS for web development), how about doing payment such as purchasing Mobile data bandwidth, or Game Voucher or.... Pay electricity/telephone bills? This would be cool right! imagine you can just build your own payment billing website. Industry 4.0 has begun.

that's cool things, i will check again when i have much more free time, or you can do it your self

ii64 commented 5 years ago

Any chance you implement that? :/

Yea you're welcome I might be port them to JS too (since I mainly use JS for web development), how about doing payment such as purchasing Mobile data bandwidth, or Game Voucher or.... Pay electricity/telephone bills? This would be cool right! imagine you can just build your own payment billing website. Industry 4.0 has begun.

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

Any chance you implement that? :/

Yea you're welcome I might be port them to JS too (since I mainly use JS for web development), how about doing payment such as purchasing Mobile data bandwidth, or Game Voucher or.... Pay electricity/telephone bills? This would be cool right! imagine you can just build your own payment billing website. Industry 4.0 has begun.

Ya, saya sedang mengerjakan bagian beli pulsa melalui OVO CASH, tapi sepertinya agak lama karena ada urusan lain, kalau anda ingin membantu silahkan. Chat via discord

lintangtimur commented 5 years ago

contoh respon image

ii64 commented 5 years ago

Okei, take your time 😃

rizkifani25 commented 4 years ago

about 'invalid model', already fixed or not? Still can't transfer OVO Balance

ii64 commented 4 years ago

Awaiting confirmation @lintangtimur

lintangtimur commented 4 years ago

about 'invalid model', already fixed or not? Still can't transfer OVO Balance

I hope it fixed ee0745a73766491f624b2ab2bcebd2b92e0dcee0, check latest released

apriady commented 4 years ago

Yea you're welcome 😉 I might be port them to JS too (since I mainly use JS for web development), how about doing payment such as purchasing Mobile data bandwidth, or Game Voucher or.... Pay electricity/telephone bills? This would be cool right! imagine you can just build your own payment billing website. Industry 4.0 has begun.

Hi, have you start on JS? I'm interested in porting it to nodejs, maybe we can port it together, dude?

ii64 commented 4 years ago

Yea you're welcome wink I might be port them to JS too (since I mainly use JS for web development), how about doing payment such as purchasing Mobile data bandwidth, or Game Voucher or.... Pay electricity/telephone bills? This would be cool right! imagine you can just build your own payment billing website. Industry 4.0 has begun.

Hi, have you start on JS? I'm interested in porting it to nodejs, maybe we can port it together, dude?

I've tried but I discontinued my work (during last year of study) and leave it with no update, all goes back to you :/ you could invite me to the repository soon as you start porting to nodejs 😉

apriady commented 4 years ago

@lintangtimur NodeJS

@anysz I've created that repo. has ported several method to NodeJS but still full of messiness and not structured well. Maybe can give suggestion to make it better. Thanks

ii64 commented 4 years ago

@apriady whoa that's cool, however regarding to this issue I think it's a must to store Auth token in case you forgot to save it and throw maximum device next time if you trying to login, you could take a look to for the implementation probably

apriady commented 4 years ago

@anysz yes, i think that must implemented. I will look into your code and see how it works. Thanks for the suggestion.

BTW, anyone know the endpoint and params that used for refreshing the token? i think it will be better if we can implement that.

apriady commented 4 years ago

halo @lintangtimur, can share tutorial that you use to setup the ssl pinning? I'm following this but no luck.

lintangtimur commented 4 years ago

halo @lintangtimur, can share tutorial that you use to setup the ssl pinning? I'm following this but no luck.

U can use xposed framework(root needed), or use Frida+Objection+Burp suite+Android virtual device emulator

adibaulia commented 4 years ago

Halo @lintangtimur, ini saya mau mencoba porting ke Go language, cuman waktu nyoba ambil auth Token (third step) ada error kayak gini.

    "message": "Invalid parameters",
    "code": 1000

Mungkin ada solusi? oiya apa udah ada dokumentasi API nya dari OVO ya di postman gitu?

lintangtimur commented 4 years ago

Halo @lintangtimur, ini saya mau mencoba porting ke Go language, cuman waktu nyoba ambil auth Token (third step) ada error kayak gini.

    "message": "Invalid parameters",
    "code": 1000

Mungkin ada solusi? oiya apa udah ada dokumentasi API nya dari OVO ya di postman gitu?

saya test masih bisa, lancar. Cek lagi parameternya

adibaulia commented 4 years ago

Halo @lintangtimur, ini saya mau mencoba porting ke Go language, cuman waktu nyoba ambil auth Token (third step) ada error kayak gini.

    "message": "Invalid parameters",
    "code": 1000

Mungkin ada solusi? oiya apa udah ada dokumentasi API nya dari OVO ya di postman gitu?

saya test masih bisa, lancar. Cek lagi parameternya

udah saya test sih ini, jadi saya lagi bikin dokumentasi Apinya di postman gitu baca dari source codenya langsung.

Headernya pakai ini kan?


lalu paramnya pakai json ini?

lintangtimur commented 4 years ago

Halo @lintangtimur, ini saya mau mencoba porting ke Go language, cuman waktu nyoba ambil auth Token (third step) ada error kayak gini.

    "message": "Invalid parameters",
    "code": 1000

Mungkin ada solusi? oiya apa udah ada dokumentasi API nya dari OVO ya di postman gitu?

saya test masih bisa, lancar. Cek lagi parameternya

udah saya test sih ini, jadi saya lagi bikin dokumentasi Apinya di postman gitu baca dari source codenya langsung.

Headernya pakai ini kan?


lalu paramnya pakai json ini?


benar, itu security code bukannya 6digit?

adibaulia commented 4 years ago

Halo @lintangtimur, ini saya mau mencoba porting ke Go language, cuman waktu nyoba ambil auth Token (third step) ada error kayak gini.

    "message": "Invalid parameters",
    "code": 1000

Mungkin ada solusi? oiya apa udah ada dokumentasi API nya dari OVO ya di postman gitu?

saya test masih bisa, lancar. Cek lagi parameternya

udah saya test sih ini, jadi saya lagi bikin dokumentasi Apinya di postman gitu baca dari source codenya langsung. Headernya pakai ini kan?


lalu paramnya pakai json ini?


benar, itu security code bukannya 6digit?

oh oke, lagi dicoba porting nih mas, tapi belum selesai. sila coba ke ovoid-go

thisisbintang commented 4 years ago

Izin porting ke java

namdevel commented 4 years ago

@lintangtimur Ruby

lintangtimur commented 4 years ago

@lintangtimur Ruby

Done, ty :)

namdevel commented 4 years ago

nggih mas

maulana20 commented 4 years ago

hallo mas @lintangtimur boleh saya izin porting ke dart, sebagai coba coba :blush:

lintangtimur commented 4 years ago

hallo mas @lintangtimur boleh saya izin porting ke dart, sebagai coba coba 😊

silahkan, bebas

maulana20 commented 4 years ago

hallo mas @lintangtimur boleh saya izin porting ke dart, sebagai coba coba 😊

silahkan, bebas

beberapa ada yang sudah bisa mas, silahkan coba ovoid-flutter

robintan commented 2 years ago

do you still need help in porting? I can help porting this completely into nodejs / python and I am also looking to hire someone who understand reverse engineering / intercepting traffic like you. please contact me via whatsapp at +6281282888200