is it possible to support node version 14.x as well with this plugin?
We would love to use this plugin, but cannot easily upgrade our node version yet.
The issue is currently, that your plugin runs the tests as:
npm exec -- vitest run -t "Require Test" tests/unit/main.spec.ts
Which fails with under nodejs v.14:
Usage: npm
where is one of:
access, adduser, audit, bin, bugs, c, cache, ci, cit,
clean-install, clean-install-test, completion, config,
create, ddp, dedupe, deprecate, dist-tag, docs, doctor,
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The working version for node v.14 would be:
npx vitest run -t "Require Test" tests/unit/main.spec.ts
Hi, is it possible to support node version 14.x as well with this plugin? We would love to use this plugin, but cannot easily upgrade our node version yet.
The issue is currently, that your plugin runs the tests as:
npm exec -- vitest run -t "Require Test" tests/unit/main.spec.ts
Which fails with under nodejs v.14:
The working version for node v.14 would be:
npx vitest run -t "Require Test" tests/unit/main.spec.ts
Can you please add support for this?