linux-cultist / venv-selector.nvim

Allows selection of python virtual environment from within neovim
MIT License
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Enforce `poetry env use` when having multiple env #22

Closed petobens closed 1 month ago

petobens commented 1 year ago

In my GIF I have two environments with poetry, one with python 3.10 and another one with 3.11. If I then

  1. Run poetry env list from a terminal I see that the currently activated venv is 3.10.
  2. Run :VenvSelect and choose the 3.11 environment
  3. Re open a terminal and re-run poetry env list -> poetry still sees 3.10 as the active environment.

So I guess that what's missing is to run poetry env use <env> during activation of an environment.


linux-cultist commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the visual explaination!

Its also good since im not using Poetry myself, but I would like to make this work with the plugin. Let me experiment a bit with this and see if I can come up with something...

linux-cultist commented 10 months ago

I was thinking about this one again now. I think this is an issue with how shells work.

If you update the PATH environment variable from one shell (this is basically what VenvSelect does when it activates a venv) you will only see that change in new shells launched from neovim itself.

New shells would have that PATH environment variable changed, but not all shells on your system. This would explain why your shell at the bottom of the screen doesnt know about what you changed within VenvSelect. But if you would launch a new shell from inside neovim, it should have the new env first in the PATH.

Understand what i mean?

saliherdemk commented 3 months ago

Hey, since this issue is still open, I didn't want to create another one. I have the same problem. As shown in the gif, .venv has numpy installed and .venv1 does not. If this plugin aims only to correct the LSP, then it's fine. However, inside the terminal, when running the code, I still need to source it manually. Idk if it's related but i open the terminal inside neovim via toggleterm 2024-03-23 13-02-07

linux-cultist commented 2 months ago

This is because of how terminals work in linux. Any terminal that was running before you activated the venv will not get the new venv activated. But if you open a new terminal after you have activated a venv with the plugin, the new terminal should have it activated.

Toggleterm probably reuses the same terminal all the time and just hides it, which would explain the issue here. :)

You can try to just run :term inside neovim after you activate a venv. And if you type echo $PATH, you should see the activated venv first in the PATH. And the VIRTUAL_ENV env variable should be set also.

saliherdemk commented 2 months ago

I see. I tried and yes it's working as expected. Thanks for the clarification.

linux-cultist commented 2 months ago

Ok great. But thank you very much for writing this issue. I'm working on a rewrite of the plugin in the regexp branch right now, and I will add a hook so people can run any command after a venv has been activated, such as the "poetry env use" command.

The rewrite is much better designed for supporting any venv since users can write their own search commands with fd and find whatever they want.

linux-cultist commented 1 month ago

I added a callback function for when an env is activated and wrote an example in the README how you can make VenvSelect run poetry env use <selected python> when you open a terminal. I think its a good usecase to show how that function allows a lot of flexibility.

This is all in the regexp branch and here is the example:

Please let me know if this solution works for you. It was over a year since this issue was created, but I always liked the idea and wanted to implement it in a generic way that works for more than just poetry.

petobens commented 1 month ago

Great thanks!

linux-cultist commented 1 month ago

I'll close this issue then but you can still comment on it if you have suggestions how to improve this feature. :)