linux-cultist / venv-selector.nvim

Allows selection of python virtual environment from within neovim
MIT License
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I am working on windows, my venvs are folders like venv_XXXX where XXXX can change. #28

Closed wonderturtle closed 11 months ago

wonderturtle commented 1 year ago

I would like to be able to use wildcards in specifying the env list in name={"venv","venv_*"}

if anyway I hardcode my venvname there, I get an error apparently related to missing write privileges on a folder which appears writable.

E5108: Error executing lua Vim:E482: Can't open file %APPDATA%\venv-selector\venvs.json for writing: no such file or directory
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'writefile'
        ...-data/lazy/venv-selector.nvim/lua/venv-selector/venv.lua:303: in function 'cache_venv'
        ...-data/lazy/venv-selector.nvim/lua/venv-selector/venv.lua:207: in function 'activate_venv'
        .../lazy/venv-selector.nvim/lua/venv-selector/telescope.lua:76: in function 'key_func'
        ...nvim-data/lazy/telescope.nvim/lua/telescope/mappings.lua:352: in function 'execute_keymap'
        [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk
Press ENTER or type command to continue```

Any hints?
linux-cultist commented 1 year ago

Hmm, can you show me what you have in your plugin config? Will try to see what it can be. :)

And yes, wildcards would be nice in venv names. I think I could support regexp expressions here but need to look into it a bit.

mgua commented 1 year ago

A possible idea could be to "detect" virtual environment folders basing on the folder structure and contents. This could allow to present a very accurate choice list for target environments

mgua commented 1 year ago

I would like to be able to use wildcards in specifying the env list in name={"venv","venv_*"}

if anyway I hardcode my venvname there, I get an error apparently related to missing write privileges on a folder which appears writable.

E5108: Error executing lua Vim:E482: Can't open file %APPDATA%\venv-selector\venvs.json for writing: no such file or directory
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'writefile'
        ...-data/lazy/venv-selector.nvim/lua/venv-selector/venv.lua:303: in function 'cache_venv'
        ...-data/lazy/venv-selector.nvim/lua/venv-selector/venv.lua:207: in function 'activate_venv'
        .../lazy/venv-selector.nvim/lua/venv-selector/telescope.lua:76: in function 'key_func'
        ...nvim-data/lazy/telescope.nvim/lua/telescope/mappings.lua:352: in function 'execute_keymap'
        [string ":lua"]:1: in main chunk
Press ENTER or type command to continue```

Any hints?

I reproduced this issue, while selecting the venv_mfa project of ours (I work with Klaudija aka wonderturtle) on a windows desktop.


plugin config is straightforward from your sample

return {
dependencies = { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" },
keys = {{
"<leader>vs", "<cmd>:VenvSelect<cr>",
"<leader>vc", "<cmd>:VenvSelectCached<cr>"
config = function()
auto_refresh = false,
search_venv_managers = true,
search_workspace = true,
search = true,
dap_enabled = false,
parents = 2,
name = {"venv","venv_mfa","venv_nvim"}, -- NOTE: You can also use a lua table here for multiple names: {"venv", ".venv"}`
fd_binary_name = "fd",
notify_user_on_activate = true,
event = "VeryLazy", 
mgua commented 1 year ago

i thought this had to do with the fact that we launch neovim from its own python environment, but this is not the case. Error comes also if nvim is lauched without its venv being activated.

linux-cultist commented 1 year ago

The error should be fixed now thanks to but that wasnt related to the virtual environment names.

So lets keep this issue open so someone (maybe me) can add regular expression possibility here for the venv names.

linux-cultist commented 11 months ago

This idea with regular expressions has come up more than once now, and I think it would be a good idea. I will close this issue and open another issue for the regular expression idea.

Lua is not great at regular expressions though but maybe there is a way.