linux-cultist / venv-selector.nvim

Allows selection of python virtual environment from within neovim
MIT License
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Use formatting standard for code contributions #82

Closed mennohofste closed 7 months ago

mennohofste commented 7 months ago

I noticed the project has many different indenting styles, and manually indenting/formatting is no fun.

@linux-cultist, How do you feel about adding a .stylua.toml file to make it uniform and easier to work on? Do you have a personal preference that you could add that to the project?

I do not mind any style (or care about tabs vs. spaces), however, I think sticking to one is always nicer to work with. If you have no preference, I think copying a config from the official NeoVim project would probably be safest. The closest project is probably nvim-lspconfig.

What do you think about this?

linux-cultist commented 7 months ago

Absolutely, let's do that. I also don't care which formatting as long as it's the same everywhere. Copying lspconfig sounds good to me. Go ahead. :)

linux-cultist commented 7 months ago

Thanks for suggesting this and putting in the work. :)

mennohofste commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the plugin! It is a lifesaver to manage all my venvs.

linux-cultist commented 7 months ago

Yeah I had the same use case when I started writing this plugin. I just couldn't understand why people wanted to open and close neovim every time they switched a venv, so I wrote this plugin.

It didn't get much attention at first but slowly got more and more users, and I'm very happy to see it included in Lazyvim too. :)