linux-cultist / venv-selector.nvim

Allows selection of python virtual environment from within neovim
MIT License
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Cannot discover the env created by micromamba #92

Closed meicale closed 1 month ago

meicale commented 5 months ago

I am using WSL on Windows11. Micromamba behaves similar to microconda and faster. When I use "VenvSelect" command, it can find the path such as "~/micromamba/envs/test/lib/python3.9/venv" but neovim complain can not find the env. Thank you!

linux-cultist commented 4 months ago

It's so many different venv managers now that Im thinking of rewriting the code that matches venvs to use regular expressions instead. It would allow for future venv managers to be supported by just adding a new regex.

If I get some time soon, I will explore this option. :)

linux-cultist commented 2 months ago

There is a rewrite now in the regexp branch that can easily find these venvs. It works by using regexp expressions to the fd command, so you basically just put the command together and when you are happy with what it finds, you put it in the plugin config.

You can read how it works in the Readme for the regexp branch, and feel free to try it out as well. It's still early days for it but it may work much better for you than the current main branch already.

Edit: I noticed you are on windows. Please wait a few weeks before trying it, since it's completely untested on windows at the moment. But it's on my todo list to do that soon.

linux-cultist commented 1 month ago

The windows version seems to work fine now. You could probably add your own search for micromambda if you want. See the README for examples, or ask me for help with this and I will put a config together for you.

Closing this since it should just need a new search query in the regexp version of the plugin.