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Add support to generate a NO JDK OSS tar ES distribution #14

Open jdiazdev opened 3 years ago

jdiazdev commented 3 years ago

The change in this PR register a new build task for Elasticsearch to build the No JDK OSS version distribution tar. There is also a change included to modify the shell script for to create the skeleton build.gradle file in the location for the new archive type.

These changes allow you to run a ES 7.8.0 build like ./gradlew --no-daemon :distribution:archives:buildOssNoJdkS390xTar, which will generate the new tar in distribution/archives/oss-no-jdk-s390x-tar/build/distributions

aborkar-ibm commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the comments. We did consider this change, but looks like no-jdk distributions that do not bundle a JDK are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please refer to the commit - >

jdiazdev commented 3 years ago

@aborkar-ibm thanks for the comment, I didn't know about that. However, the change you refer to belongs to this PR: which, according to its labels, doesn't apply to the version I am proposing the change to (7.8.0 vs that change applied from version 7.10.0). Based on that, could you reconsider?