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iptsd-show magically fixes KDE touchscreen gestures #1155

Closed dionisis2014 closed 1 year ago

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

This is a weird one. On my SP8, with KDE wayland, I have enabled touchscreen gestures (basically you can swipe from screen edges to trigger actions such as show all windows, desktop etc). Here is the problem: When doing a cold boot and trying to activate the gestures, its VERY hard to do so (maybe 1 out of 30 tries). I wanted to see if the touch didn't register and run sudo iptsd-show $(iptsd-find-hidraw). Everything looked normal and now, the gestures work reliably. And this is reproducible (on my machine at least). Every time I run the command, it magically fixes the issue. How? Why?


`dmesg` output [pastebin link]( password: G53mTvYDmb
StollD commented 1 year ago

Does this already happen while iptsd-show is running or does it only set it after you closed it?

Closing iptsd-show would reset the hardware back into singletouch mode, like if iptsd wasn't running. That could explain the different behaviour. Otherwise it would just be two apps reading from the same source.

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply. Its really weird if it resets after, because the gestures don't work before and during iptsd-show, but work afterwords. Now while running iptsd-show its in fullscreen and gestures are disabled. Alt-tabbing while and trying also doesn't trigger gestures, but that might be because a fullscreen app is running in the background (might be a KDE thing).

StollD commented 1 year ago

No, the reason is simply that while it is running, iptsd is still in charge of producing touch events. Closing iptsd-show resets the hardware into singletouch mode, which effectively disables iptsd. In that mode, the singletouch events come from the hardware directly.

The actual reason is that the events that iptsd produces might be unstable and jitter more than the hardware generated events, so that KDE doesnt properly register the gesture. I am trying to improve this for the next release, guess I need to add KDE gestures to the list of things to check.

farline99 commented 1 year ago

KDE gestures from the edges of the screen are broken for a long time. SP6. When you move your finger from the black frame to the screen, the touchscreen does not read the first millimeter of your movement, which KDE gestures rely on -> they do not work. If this millimeter near the black frame was taken into account, then everything would be fine with gestures 😉

plover43 commented 1 year ago

@farline99, Interesting that you mention the edges of your screen not detecting input. I'm experiencing the same thing on the bottom of my screen on my sp9 kde fedora38. For me it's more like the bottom 5mm aren't recognized.

When clicking the icons in the picture, I have to purposefully click pretty much just above them or no input will be registered.


farline99 commented 1 year ago

Yes, if the panel is small, then the lack of reaction to clicking on the edges of the screen makes it very difficult to call widgets on it 🙂

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

@StollD (I am sorry if I didn't understand correctly.) As I said, the gestures work after closing iptsd-show. They didn't before or during (as you explained), but work surprisingly consistently afterwwards. Is the hwardware reset from iptsd doing something extra that isn't done at startup?

StollD commented 1 year ago

IPTS has two modes: singletouch and multitouch. In singletouch mode, the hardware directly produces inputs for a single finger, e.g. the driver receives coordinates and forwards them to the input subsystem.

In multitouch mode the hardware does not produce coordinates, instead, it produces a capacitive heatmap showing the electrical resistance on the screen. This heatmap needs to be processed into coordinates, which is what iptsd does.

By stopping iptsd-show you are disabling iptsd and its processing and switch to the hardware based processing, which only supports a single finger and no pen. Since the processing algorithms are different, the generated inputs will also be different.

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

Ok I am a little confuzed here. How are general multitouch gestures working in e.g. firefox (pinch to zoom etc) if IPTSD is disabled? What I observe is that BEFORE running iptsd-show gestures don't work, but do AFTER closing it. In both scenarios IPTSD is not running correct?

StollD commented 1 year ago

That is indeed weird. Does pinch to zoom work without launching iptsd-show? Or does that have the same issues as the KDE gestures?

Could you maybe post the output of systemctl status $(iptsd-find-service) after you closed iptsd-show and verified that pinch to zoom still works?

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

It keeps getting weirder: BEFORE:


My guess (with only what you told me) is that the 'reset state' after is somehow different from the one the hardware is initialized with. That, or something doesn't start up again after.

The output below is the same before and after running iptsd-show:

`systemctl status $(iptsd-find-service)` output
● iptsd@dev-hidraw0.service - Intel Precise Touch & Stylus Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/iptsd@.service; static)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-06-10 21:08:16 EEST; 2min 13s left
   Main PID: 373 (iptsd)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 9314)
     Memory: 996.0K
        CPU: 2ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/system-iptsd.slice/iptsd@dev-hidraw0.service
             └─373 /usr/bin/iptsd /dev/hidraw0

Ιουν 10 21:08:16 aeolus systemd[1]: Started Intel Precise Touch & Stylus Daemon.
Ιουν 10 21:08:16 aeolus iptsd[373]: [21:08:16.531] [info] Metadata:
Ιουν 10 21:08:16 aeolus iptsd[373]: [21:08:16.532] [info] rows=46, columns=68
Ιουν 10 21:08:16 aeolus iptsd[373]: [21:08:16.532] [info] width=27389, height=18259
Ιουν 10 21:08:16 aeolus iptsd[373]: [21:08:16.532] [info] transform=[408.79105,0,0,0,405.75555,0]
Ιουν 10 21:08:16 aeolus iptsd[373]: [21:08:16.532] [info] unknown=1, [178,182,180,1,178,182,180,1,90,171,100,20,172,177,175,2]
Ιουν 10 21:08:16 aeolus iptsd[373]: [21:08:16.532] [info] Connected to device 045E:0C37
StollD commented 1 year ago

I assume by gestures you just mean the KDE gestures where you swipe in from the side of the display with one finger? In that case that would confirm my theory: You reset to singletouch mode, which does a different processing which makes the KDE gestures work, but because only a single finger is handled, you cannot pinch to zoom anymore.

farline99 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, we are talking about this gestures from side of the screen.

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

Is this an IPTSD issue then? If the hardware is in multitouch mode before why don't gestures work? Is the processing so different for one finger between single and multi touch mode?

StollD commented 1 year ago

Yes, this is an iptsd issue. And I cannot tell you the difference between the two processing algorithms, because the one for singletouch is proprietary and baked into the firmware. For iptsd we had to come up with our own one, which is still getting refined a lot.

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

So the "working" one is from the firmware correct? Enabling 'show touch inputs' under desktop effects shows correct position and detection both before and after iptsd-show. I know KDE fixed a bug a long time ago that took into account sub-grid movements and made it impossible to trigger gestures unless you had a ruler. If there is anything I can do on my machine feel free to ask me. Thank you.

StollD commented 1 year ago

I believe I found the issue and the fix: Our processing algorithm is a bit too "precise": It can anticipate contacts being outside of the screen, so it returns negative coordinates. This confuses KDE. A version of iptsd that ignores these contacts makes the gestures work much more reliable, at least when you move the finger slowly.

I will try to experiment a bit more to make this work better when the finger moves more quickly.

farline99 commented 1 year ago

It is awesome. Thank you for your work! ❤️

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

I finally found the commits I had seen from KDE way back. This commit made it so sub-pixels are ignored and this one made it use an accumulative method to determine direction. This is the current way KDE handles gestures. As you can see it takes the absolute of the delta value and then a minimum of that (divided by some other stuff) and 1.0 . So a negative coordinate confusing it is unexpected.

StollD commented 1 year ago

If minimumX is 0 a negative X coordinate would fail this check.

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

I am sorry. Indeed it is 0: . Should I file a bug report on KDE and close this one?

StollD commented 1 year ago

No, its an iptsd issue. Linux just happens to not complain about the negative values, even though they are outside of the allowed range.

StollD commented 1 year ago

I have made some changes to iptsd that make the KDE gestures work much more reliably. Contacts outside of the screen are now ignored, but if the center of the contact is close enough to the edge of the screen, the coordinates get clamped to the allowed range. So instead of e.g. -10 the value becomes 0.

If you want to try these changes out, you can download a development build of iptsd here: Scroll down to the list of artifacts and download <your distro>-latest. You will get a ZIP file with a package inside that you can install using your package manager.

plover43 commented 1 year ago

This completely fixes the touchscreen edge gestures on my end, thanks so much for the fix

6.3.7-1.surface.fc38.x86_64 KDE Plasma Version: 5.27.5 KDE Frameworks Version: 5.107.0 Qt Version: 5.15.9

farline99 commented 1 year ago

SP6. F38. Thank you. With latest patch gestures work as expexted on KDE ❤️❤️❤️

dionisis2014 commented 1 year ago

Yeap. Works on me too. You are amazing! Should I close this issue or leave it until its in a release?

StollD commented 1 year ago

Lets close this now.

FYI, if the gestures still dont work well, or if you want to experiment a bit, there is a new config option in /etc/iptsd.conf called Overshoot, which controls how far outside of the display a contact can be to still get registered.

plover43 commented 11 months ago

Timeline on getting this released?

farline99 commented 11 months ago

Yeah, new iptsd release would be cool!