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Surface Pro 6 - Live USB won't boot #1335

Closed Tartarus6 closed 5 months ago

Tartarus6 commented 5 months ago

My Goal

Dual booting Fedora 39 and Windows 11


My issue seems similar to #1325, but I've already fully disabled secure boot and TPM, and it still won't even boot grub.


Live USB won't boot. It just thinks for a bit then kicks me back into the UEFI settings. I've tried Ubuntu, Debian, and Fedora and none boot.

The only thing that I've gotten to work is installing Ubuntu through Wubi. That seems to work great! But It won't let me install the latest version (I could probably upgrade though), and I would much prefer to use Fedora or at least Debian.

Issue with Wubi (already solved): The download for ubuntu-20.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso always failed. Putting a separately downloaded copy of that file in the same directory as the Wubi exe fixed it.

I've tried the other installer images a few times, but only done extensive testing on the Fedora 39 workstation live image on a 32 GB flash drive, using Rufus to write the images. I've tried:



Any help in getting Fedora installed would be greatly appreciated. If the solution is already here, I couldn't find it, please point it out if it does exist. Also, if there's some way of installing Fedora through Wubi, or another tool inside windows, that might work.

Thanks for reading this far, Tar

Tartarus6 commented 5 months ago

Maybe there's some way to replace my installed Ubuntu with Fedora? I can get a perfectly working Ubuntu image with grub loading up, maybe I could do that then somehow add a Fedora image and boot to it through grub. IDK, kinda grasping at straws.

qzed commented 5 months ago

Could be

Tartarus6 commented 5 months ago

That seems to have worked. I installed fedora from a ventoy flash drive using the grub2 boot option and it worked after rolling back the firmware.

After a while the firmware re-updated and now fedora just boots a blank terminal with nothing but a cursor in the top left. I'll look into a way to prevent the firmware updating itself.

Tartarus6 commented 5 months ago

It's all working now. The methods from #1162 solved the issue.