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Cannot Boot into Fedora 39 on Surface Pro 7 From USB #1349

Open laframpton opened 4 months ago

laframpton commented 4 months ago

I am trying to install the latest version of fedora to my surface pro 7. I have changed the secure boot settings as well as the boot order, and I have a usb drive formatted using the Fedora tool. I am able to have the grub loader appear with the options to boot into Fedora, when I enter into the boot process it appears to freeze with a white underscore in the top left corner and nothing happens.


sheosi commented 4 months ago

That's a problem on Fedora upstream, it won't work on certain motherboards, happened to me as well. It seems that it happens on 39, 38 and 37. Download 36 and start updating from there.

laframpton commented 4 months ago

Thanks! Where can I download 36? I can't seem to find the download anywhere.

laframpton commented 4 months ago

It worked with Fedora 36 (I found the iso, but when I tried updating it has the same issue).

When I restarted my pc after the update installed, it led to the same black screen with a single underscore. Force restarted my surface and it has the same issue as booting from the usb.

laframpton commented 4 months ago

It worked with Fedora 36 (I found the iso, but when I tried updating it has the same issue.

When I restarted my pc after the update installed, it led to the same black screen with a single underscore. Force restarted my surface and it has the same issue as booting from the usb.

laframpton commented 4 months ago

Creating new issue.

jahed commented 4 months ago

Same issue as #1325

ashleybwalton commented 3 weeks ago

Issue seems specific to FC39, using the FC38 kernel, and my SP7 works fine.

tobimonges commented 1 week ago

@laframpton could you solve it? I have the same problem with fedora 40 and 39

ThorsFarm commented 2 days ago

I have no solution, but I have a work-around I made last night. <disclaimer>This is a summary of many trial and error, so there could be wrong information</disclaimer>

  1. Use Ventoy with MBR, NTFS and no Secure Boot as the boot media
  2. Disable Secure Boot on surface
  3. Boot from Ventoy, make sure you choose grub2 at the menu!
  4. Install Fedora (this should be normal click-click-next)
  5. After installment on Surface, either dont reboot or boot from live-cd once again, the surface will not boot with the stock Fedora kernel.

Run the following commands from a terminal: Note I use btrfs with root renamed to @

mount -o subvol=@ /dev/nvme0n1p3 mnt/
cd mnt
mount -o bind /proc proc/
mount --rbind /sys sys/
mount --rbind /dev dev/
mount -o bind /run run/
mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 boot/
mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 boot/efi/
chroot /root/mnt /bin/bash
source /etc/profile
dnf config-manager \
dnf install --allowerasing kernel-surface iptsd libwacom-surface
dnf reinstall kernel-surface*
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg