linux-surface / surface-aggregator-module

Linux ACPI and Platform Drivers for Surface Devices using the Surface Aggregator Module over Surface Serial Hub (Surface Book 2, Surface Pro 2017, Surface Laptop, and Newer)
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SAM firmware reverse engineering #64

Open quo opened 1 year ago

quo commented 1 year ago

First of all, @qzed thanks for all the work you've already done reverse engineering and documenting a lot of the SAM stuff. It's been quite helpful!

I've been reverse engineering the SP7 SAM firmware (specifically SurfaceSAM_14.312.139.bin) in an attempt to debug something. Haven't found anything particularly useful so far, but figured I would share regardless. Let me know if you'd like me to look at anything in particular.

Click here for info dump ## Firmware structure As can be seen on SP7 teardown photos, the SAM microcontroller is an NXP LPC54S001J (Cortex-M4, 360KB RAM), with a separate Winbond 16MB flash chip. - Datasheet: - User manual: - SVD: The SVD is for a slightly different part number, but it does the job. There's a script to import SVDs into Ghidra, but it fails due to some overlapping address ranges. You can either remove these from the SVD or hack the script a bit. The bin file consists of a signature and two firmware images. The images are encoded as arrays of `{ u32 offset, u8 len = 16, u8[16] data }`, so can be extracted fairly easily. The two images are identical, except one is meant to be flashed at 0x10004000 and the other at 0x10084000 (standard A/B update handling), so some addresses differ by one bit. The images have a header and end with a CRC16, which are used by the SAM when flashing. The actual raw firmware image starts at 0x66C. The raw firmware images start with a standard ARM vector table, and contain an NXP image header which tells the NXP bootloader to load the first 0x29484 bytes into SRAM at address 0. For reverse engineering, you can just split the raw image and load the first 0x30000 bytes at 0, and the remaining 0x50000 bytes at 0x10034000 or 0x100B4000. The firmware contains an RTOS which is internally referred to as Kaos. I can't find anything about it on Google, so I assume it was created by MS. Kaos appears somewhat inspired by FreeRTOS and offers the same basic primitives: tasks, timers, events, semaphores, and message queues. There are dozens of tasks and timers, which communicate through dozens of message queues, which leads to a ton of indirection (and memory overhead) so it can be very difficult to follow what's going on. Some parts of the firmware use vtable-like constructions for some additional indirection. Lots of fun. ## SAM protocol (I'll try to use the terminology from The following target(/source) IDs are implemented: - 0 = Host - 1 = SAM - 2 = KIP - 3 = Debug - 4 = Surflink I believe the SAM just forwards any messages with TID != 1 to different serial connections. (But I have not yet traced the entire message path.) For TID == 1, only the following TCs are handled by the SAM on the SP7: - 01 = SAM: SAM - 02 = BAT: Battery - 03 = TMP: Thermal - 04 = PMC: Power - 05 = FAN: Fan - 07 = DBG: Debug - 09 = FWU: Firmware update - 0c = TCL: (Trace/crash logs?) - 0d = SFL: Surflink - 10 = BLD: Surface Blades - 12 = SEN: Sensors - 13 = SRQ: (?) - 15 = HID: HID - 17 = BKL: Backlight - 1b = USC: USB-C The firmware does not explicitly name the TCs in any way (not even using the abbreviated names), so the above names are based on names of related tasks, message queues, etc. Of course, most of these names were already known. FWU/TCL/SRQ commands are handled together via the NVM message queue, so presumably they all use the flash storage in some way. ## Debug mode The SAM has a debug mode variable (default 0) and a "safe mode" flag (default 1). The safe mode flag is read with TC 1, CID 0x27, and written by TC 7, CID 0x5F. When the safe mode flag is true, all CIDs >= 0x80 are disabled (for all TCs), and various other functionality is disabled. The debug mode is read with TC 1, CID 0x29, and written by TC 7, CID 0x4E. The debug mode values are: - 0 = disabled - 1 = also disabled? - 2 = basic - 3 = possibly related to firmware update? - 4 = full The debug mode can only be set to 0 or 2 normally. It is currently not known how to set it to other values. There is a command to read arbitrary RAM in debug mode 2, which is very useful, however there appears to be no command to write RAM, even in the higher debug modes. And everything seems to be locked down pretty well (range checks on all command arguments), so I've been unable to find a way to write arbitrary memory so far. ## Commands Here's a complete list of command IDs I've found (for TID 1), and descriptions for some of them. This list will probably contain mistakes! Will try to update this as I figure out more. Format: `CID { command data } => { response data } description` "Handled separately" means the switch handling these commands is in a separate function, so presumably the commands have related functionality. (Please excuse the poor formatting.) ### TC 01: SAM ``` 01 (see existing doc) 02 (see existing doc) 03 (see existing doc) 04 {} disable safe mode and set debug mode 4, if device is in a certain power state? 05 {} enable safe mode and set debug mode 0, if device is in a certain power state? 06 {} nop 07 {} nop 08 {} nop 0b (see existing doc) 0c (see existing doc) 0d 0e 0f (see existing doc) 10 (see existing doc) 13 (see existing doc) {} => { u32 } get SAM firmware version 14 (see existing doc) 15 (see existing doc) 16 (see existing doc) 17 (see existing doc) 18 19 1a (see existing doc) 1b (see existing doc) 1c (see existing doc) 1d (see existing doc) 1e (see existing doc) 1f (see existing doc) 20 (see existing doc) 21 22 (see existing doc) 23 (see existing doc) 24 25 26 { u8 } set debug mode to 0 if zero, or to 2 if nonzero 27 {} => { u8 } get safe mode flag 29 {} => { u8 } get debug mode 2a 2b 2c 2e {} => { u8 x, u8 0, u16 0x2e, u32 0 } get active firmware image location (x = 0x11 for 0x10004000, or 0x12 for 0x10084000) 2f 33 (see existing doc) 34 (see existing doc) 35 36 37 38 { u16 } => { u16 } 39 3a 3b 81 ``` ### TC 02: Battery ``` 01 (see existing doc) 02 (see existing doc) 03 (see existing doc) 04 (see existing doc) 0b (see existing doc) 0c (see existing doc) 0d (see existing doc) 0f (see existing doc) 18 2d 2e 2f 30 31 32 33 34 3c 3d 3e 3f 42 50 53 51 ``` Handled separately: ``` 00 07 08 1e,20 1f,21 29 2a 2b 2c 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 43 44 45 46 47 48 4d 4e 52 54 55 56 57 58 59 5a 5d 5e 61 80 81 86 87 8c 8d 90 94 95 96 97 98 99 9a 9b ``` Handled separately: ``` 8b ``` ### TC 03: Thermal ``` 01 (see existing doc) 03 (see existing doc) (handled twice) 04 (see existing doc) 0c 0d 0e 17 ``` Handled separately: ``` 02 (see existing doc) 03 (see existing doc) (handled twice) 0f 10 11 14 15 16 83 90 91 92 93 94 95 ``` Handled separately: ``` 09 (see existing doc) 0a (see existing doc) 12 13 ``` ### TC 04: Power ``` 01 02 04,8b 05 06 07 09 0a 81 83 8a 8c 8d 8e 8f 90 { u8 } set RTOS idle task enabled 91 {} log and reset idle stats ``` ### TC 05: Fan ``` 01 02 03 04 05 80 81 83 ``` ### TC 07: Debug ``` 3f { u8 } set debug pins connection mode? 0=SAM_Flash, 2=PCH_Logging, 3=SAM_Debug, 4=Touch_JTAG, 5=Power_Monitor, 6=?, 7=PCH_JTAG, 9=Blade_UART 4b { u8 } set debug log target (0=Debug, 1=Host, 2=KIP, 3=Surflink) 4e { u8 } set debug mode 53 { u32 } => { u32 } clear a gpio, sleep N microseconds in ram function, then set gpio again 5f { u8 } set safe mode flag 80 { u8, u8 } => { u8 } flush logs(?) and optionally reset SAM (first byte & 0xe0 must be zero, second byte must be 2 for reset) ``` Requires debug mode 2 or 4: ``` 03 {} log full OS state 11 {} log fw version and flash location 18 { u8 cmd, u8 module } cmd 0 = log enabled module bits, 1 = enable logging for module, 2 = disable logging for module; module = 0..127 19 { u8 cmd, u8 level } cmd 0 = log loglevel, cmd 1 = set loglevel 30 {} log safe mode state 41 {} same as TCL CID 86? 42 { u8 cmd, u8 module } cmd 0 = log verbose module bits, 1 = enable verbose logging for module, 2 = disable verbose logging for module; module = 0..127 4d { u32 addr, u16 len } => { u32 addr, u16 len, u8[] data } read memory; only the region from 0x20001000 to 0x200258f0 can be read, max len 94 ``` Requires debug mode 4: ``` 0e { u8 len, u8[] } => { u8 len, u8[] } ping? 0f { u8 len, u8[] } => { u8 len, u8[] } ping? (different response type?) 20 {} set power related flag and feed watchdog 32 {} toggle debug LED on 4f { u8 module, u8 addr, u8 register, u8 len } => { u8 error, u8 len, u8[16] data } i2c read; module = 0..4 50 { u8 module, u8 addr, u8 register, u8 len, u8[] data } i2c write 51 { u8 module } i2c bus scan (module 0xff == all) 54 { u8 module?, u8 } 55 { u8, u8 len?, u8[16], u16 resplen } => { u8[] } 5a { u8 port, u8 pin } log GPIO pin value 5b { u8 port, u8 pin } set GPIO high 5c { u8 port, u8 pin } set GPIO low 63 {} crash (call null pointer) 64 {} read invalid(?) peripheral addr 0x402055aa ``` When log target is set to Host, SAM will send log messages with TID=3. The request ID for these messages (except CID 49) is set to a hash of internal timers, so is effectively random. When the amount of data in a log record exceeds 40 bytes, it is split over multiple messages with the same request ID. The first 8 bytes of the log data are always `{ u32 timestamp_millis, u32 event_code }`. For split records, only the first message will have this header. There are four types of log record: u32 array, string array, error, and buffer. These use the following CIDs: ``` 43 u32 array (start of split record) 44 u32 array (middle of split record) 45 u32 array (end of split record, or non-split record) 46 null-terminated string array (start of split record) 47 null-terminated string array (middle of split record) 48 null-terminated string array (end of split record, or non-split record) 49 error (request ID is 0, data is { u32 timestamp_millis, u32 event_code, u32 value }) 4a buffer (i.e. raw byte array) (same CID is used for all messages if split) ``` ### TC 09: Firmware update ``` 02 {} => { u8 numarrayentries, u8 0, u8 0, u8 4, { u32 version, u8 location+flags, u8 dest_id, u16 0x2e }[7] } get flash status 03 { u8 ?, u8 ?, u8 dest, u8 cookie?, u32 fwversion, u8 1, u8 ?, u8 ?, u8 ?, u8 ?, u8 ?, u16 0x2e } => { u8 0, u8 0, u8 0, u8 cookie, u8 0, u8 0, u8 0, u8 0, u8 ?, u8 0, u8 0, u8 0, u8 ?, u8 0, u8 0, u8 0, u8 0 } firmware upload setup 04 { u8 flags, u8 len, u16 cookie?, u32 offset, u8[] data } => { u16 cookie, u8 error, u8[13] 0 } firmware upload, flags: 0x80 = start, 0x40 = finish 80 {} switch active firmware location a0,a1,a2 ``` Requires debug mode 3 or 4: ``` 09 0a 0b 0c ``` Firmware destinations: - 0 = SAM firmware - 0x12 = USB-C PD firmware? - 0xfe = two 32-byte buffers? ### TC 0C: TCL ``` 0b (see existing doc) { u16 bufid } => { u16 bufid, u8 instanceid?, u8 flags? } erase? 0c (see existing doc) { u16 bufid, u32 offset, u16 readlen, u8 0 } => { u16 bufid, u32 offset, u16 len, u8 status, u8[] } read, max len = 560, status: 0 = more, 1 = end, 0xfd/0xfe/0xff = error 0d { u16 bufid } => { u16, u8 error } erase things? disabled in safe mode 0e (see existing doc) {} => { u16 0xffff, { u16, u8 }[8] } 85 {} => { u16 0xffff, u8 0 } call CID 0D for all buffers 86 {} => { u16 0xffff, u8 0 } does something with buffers 2 and 3 ``` Valid buffer/instance combinations: - Buffer 1, instance 1/2 = Crash dump - Buffer 2, instance 1/2 = ? - Buffer 3, instance 1/2 = ? - Buffer 4, instance 1 = Battery? - Buffer 5, instance 1 = Blades? - Buffer 6, instance 1 = Thermal? Handled separately (data seems to be all zeroes?): ``` 0f {} => { u16 error, u32 } get something 10 {} => { u16 error, u32 } get something 11 {} => { u16 error, u32 } get something 12 {} => { u16 error, u32 } get something 13 {} => { u16 error, u32 } get something 14 {} => { u16 error, u32[16] } get something 90 {} => { u16 error, u16 size } get total buffer size for command 91/92 92 { u16 pos, u16 len } => { u16 pos, u16 len, u16 error, u8[] data } read some buffer ``` Handled separately (setters for above): ``` 80 { u32 } => { u16 error } set something 81 { u32 } => { u16 error } set something 82 { u32 } => { u16 error } set something 8a { u32 } => { u16 error } set something 8c { u32 } => { u16 error } set something 8e { u32[16] } => { u16 error } set something 91 { u16 pos, u16 len, u16 unused, u8[] data } => { u16 pos, u16 len, u16 error, u8[] data } write some buffer ``` ### TC 0D: Surflink (TODO The command decoding seems different here. Maybe not CIDs?) ``` 02 03 06 0c ``` ### TC 10: Surface Blades ``` 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0a 0c ``` Handled separately: (TODO The command decoding seems different here?) ``` 00 0e 10 15 23 2e 33 34 5a 5b ``` ### TC 12: Sensors Instance ids: - 5 = BMA223 accelerometer on I2C ``` 03 {} => { ... } read calib 80 { ... } => { ... } read registers 81 { ... } => { ... } write registers 82 {} => { ... } read sensor values 83 {} => { ... } reset default calib 84 { ... } => { ... } set calib ``` ### TC 13: SRQ ``` 02 {} => { u8 1, u8 cid, u8 datalen = 32, u32 status, u32 garbage?, u8[32] data } 03 {} => { u8 1, u8 cid, u8 datalen = 1, u32 status, u32 garbage?, u8 safemodeflag } get safe mode flag? 04 {} => { u8 1, u8 cid, u8 datalen = 4, u32 status, u32 garbage?, u16 ?, u16 ? } 05 {} => { u8 1, u8 cid, u8 datalen = 1, u32 status, u32 garbage?, u8 safemodeflag } set safe mode flag? ``` ### TC 15: HID ``` 00 01 (see existing doc) 02 (see existing doc) 03 (see existing doc) 04 (see existing doc) ``` ### TC 17: Backlight ``` 02 03 04,87 05,88 ``` ### TC 1B: USB-C ``` 00 06,80 81 82 83 ``` Handled separately: ``` 04 05 ```
qzed commented 1 year ago

Oh, very nice work!

Regarding debug logs: How are they sent to the host? Standard events? I think it would be nice if we could provide some way to enable them via sysfs and dump them to the kernel logs.

qzed commented 1 year ago

Regarding terminology: I think SurfLink is the charging/dock connector. Blade (at least on the SPX) is the keyboard connector, which also uses a UART. I don't know the specifics of that on earlier generations like the SP7.

Also there's an older talk from Alex Ionescu about the SP4 firmware (including KaOS, IIRC). Might interest you: (Note that the SP4 uses the old HID interface instead of the "new" UART one).

quo commented 1 year ago

Regarding debug logs: How are they sent to the host? Standard events?

Not events I think, just regular messages. If you do:

./ request 7 1 0x4b 0 0 1 # set log target = host
./ request 7 1 0x4e 0 0 2 # set debug mode = 2

Then you'll start seeing "dropping unexpected command message" errors in dmesg. I haven't actually looked at the log data yet, but I'm pretty sure it's almost entirely numbers, with very few strings, so fairly opaque.

Blade (at least on the SPX) is the keyboard connector, which also uses a UART.

"Blades" was MS's term for Surface accessories, but all the news articles about it are from 2013, so I figured it was dead technology. Makes sense that the pins are still there on the keyboard connector, but is the Blade stuff actually used for the keyboard? I thought the keyboard used the KIP or HID messages?

Also there's an older talk from Alex Ionescu about the SP4 firmware (including KaOS, IIRC). Might interest you.

Definitely very interesting! Skimmed it quickly. His description of Kaos seems very similar to what I've seen, but most of the other stuff he mentions sounds different. He says he spent months reverse engineering almost everything, I wonder why he never published anything beyond this talk.

qzed commented 1 year ago

Then you'll start seeing "dropping unexpected command message" errors in dmesg.

Ah, I think that's what I meant with "events" (messages sent by the EC that are not a response to a direct previous command. Might have a look at that later today.

I haven't actually looked at the log data yet, but I'm pretty sure it's almost entirely numbers, with very few strings, so fairly opaque.

Ah, I kind of feared that. But makes sense if they have some tracing infrastructure set up. Might be worth a try checking how that windows kernel driver trace stuff works and see if there are similarities.

Makes sense that the pins are still there on the keyboard connector, but is the Blade stuff actually used for the keyboard? I thought the keyboard used the KIP or HID messages?

So I'm not sure how the SP4 to SP7+ handle the keyboard stuff since the kernel sees that as USB, but on the SPX, SP8, and SP9, the connector thing for the keyboard is some custom serial/UART thing, which I think is what they call the blade interface. That then gets handled/translated into HID messages by SAM, which it presents via the HID interface. I think the KIP subsystem (likely keyboard and integrated peripherals or something like that) is also involved (also that might be some separate processor due to extra firmware I think), so maybe that translates it instead of SAM.

So in essence: Type cover <--(blade interface)--> SAM <--(HID interface)--> kernel, at least for SPX and everything with the new typecover.

I'm wondering whether the blade thing is relevant for the gens before that at all... maybe SAM somehow has a USB interface on those gens and the blade interface is still used? Or maybe in some reduced capacity? Otherwise I'd have expected it only on the newer Pros and maybe on the Surface Books.

He says he spent months reverse engineering almost everything, I wonder why he never published anything beyond this talk.

Yeah, he has the presentation somewhere as PDF but that's unfortunately all I could find. Also a lot has probably changed since the SP4 days. Especially due to the new interface and added components.

qzed commented 1 year ago

Then you'll start seeing "dropping unexpected command message" errors in dmesg.

Ah, I think that's what I meant with "events" (messages sent by the EC that are not a response to a direct previous command. Might have a look at that later today.

Yeah, normal events. I also had to enable them via

./ enable 0x01 0x01 0x0b 0x0c 0x07 0x00 0x01
qzed commented 1 year ago

So CID=0x48 seems to send some null-terminated strings, but the majority of data seems to be in some binary format. Also my guess is that there's some timestamp and other header stuff before each record.

quo commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering whether the blade thing is relevant for the gens before that at all... maybe SAM somehow has a USB interface on those gens and the blade interface is still used? Or maybe in some reduced capacity? Otherwise I'd have expected it only on the newer Pros and maybe on the Surface Books.

Well, Alex also discusses the Blade stuff he found in the old firmware, which includes communication and authentication. And the SP7 firmware also has various Blade related tasks/etc.

There's some old info here which suggests the old type cover also uses a serial protocol:

So my guess would be that all the type covers use the "Blade" protocol, and they've just changed where/how the translation to HID takes place.

Yeah, normal events. I also had to enable them

Ah, ok. From a quick look at your code I figured events had small request ids whereas the ids in the errors looked more random. I need to have a closer look at the event stuff.

Also my guess is that there's some timestamp and other header stuff before each record.

Yeah, it should be similar/identical to the TCL data. I'll see if I can figure out the format.

qzed commented 1 year ago

So my guess would be that all the type covers use the "Blade" protocol, and they've just changed where/how the translation to HID takes place.

I think that makes sense.

Ah, ok. From a quick look at your code I figured events had small request ids whereas the ids in the errors looked more random. I need to have a closer look at the event stuff.

On my SB2, the request ID seems to always be 0x0007 (normally request ID should match the target category, so that checks out here). But other values (command ID and especially instance ID) seem all over the place. I assume instance ID is some subsystem ID.

Haven't checked on the SPX yet though, so maybe things are a bit different on newer devices.

qzed commented 1 year ago

And you are absolutely correct with the request IDs on the newer devices... they're all over the place. With the new format it looks like

[header] 80 07 03 01 [...]

and I don't have to enable any events (in fact trying to do that will return some error code).

So, there's the 03 that is normally only set for host-to-EC messages (also with those it's then either 01 or 02, but I guess 03 means debug).

quo commented 1 year ago

I've added some info about the debug log data format. And I was wrong about it being related to TCL, it doesn't look like the log data ends up in the TCL buffers. There's a fault handler function that seems to fill TCL buffer 1. It's not yet clear to me how the other TCL buffers are filled.

So, there's the 03 that is normally only set for host-to-EC messages

Yeah, AFAICT that just means the message was intended to go to TID 3 = Debug. When you override the log target, it doesn't bother to set the "correct" TID.

qzed commented 1 year ago

So, there's the 03 that is normally only set for host-to-EC messages

Yeah, AFAICT that just means the message was intended to go to TID 3 = Debug. When you override the log target, it doesn't bother to set the "correct" TID.

If I haven't messed anything up it's actually a bit weirder than that: For "normal" messages you have e.g.:

But we have [header] 80 07 03 01 [...] which would be SAM to host (so far pretty standard) but also host to debug? Point is, there's a byte set that I normally would have expected to be zero.

qzed commented 1 year ago

I think it's possible this could also be interpreted as debug to SAM and SAM to host, but I'm not sure if that would fit into the whole KIP perspective and I'd also have thought that debug messages originate from SAM itself.

Any chance you can find out more about the two target ID bytes, especially on how they seem to be used?

quo commented 1 year ago

The bytes are just target ID and source ID. So 03 01 means from SAM to Debug (except the override causes the message to be sent to the Host instead). And like I said, I think the SAM just forwards everything with TID!=1. So if you send something with 02 00, the SAM forwards it to the KIP. The KIP then sends a reply to the SAM with 00 02, and since the TID of that reply is 0, the SAM forwards it to the Host.

qzed commented 1 year ago

Ah, got it. That actually makes much more sense, thanks. I'll update the docs accordingly.

qzed commented 1 year ago

Alright, I've improved the handling for unknown/unsupported TIDs a bit: Mostly just, which means that instead of trying to match up the request ID to something that in the best case doesn't exist and in the worst case is a wrong match, it ignores and drops anything that isn't addressed to the host directly.

I guess if we want to properly handle the debug messages, we'll have to handle them separately from regular messages anyways, meaning we'll need a command->tid == SSAM_SSH_TID_DEBUG there.

quo commented 1 year ago

Looks good!

Meanwhile I've managed to flash modified firmware to the SAM. Interestingly there seems to be some code in the firmware update logic to do something with hashes and (maybe) signatures, but it's not actually used for the firmware images MS provides. So all you need to do is extract the firmware image, modify it, update the CRC16 at the end of the file, and then upload it using TC 9 CID 3 and CID 4.

So now I've added a command to the firmware to write arbitrary memory. And it works. :)

I've published some scripts here:

qzed commented 1 year ago

Nice work!

I'm kind of surprised that it's not signed. Is there any other protection against that or could just any random user with admin permissions on Windows upload some firmware?

quo commented 1 year ago

My guess is that anyone who can communicate with the SAM can flash new firmware. You might even be able to do it via the Surflink connection (ie. without being admin, and even when the device is turned off).

There are some conditions that seem to relate to whether firmware updates are allowed that I haven't really figured out yet, but that's bypassed when the safe mode is disabled.

qzed commented 1 year ago

My guess is that anyone who can communicate with the SAM can flash new firmware. You might even be able to do it via the Surflink connection (ie. without being admin, and even when the device is turned off).

If you manage to do that without any sort of authentication (I'd hope there is some), I think you should ask MS for a sizeable bug bounty xD

I honestly have no idea how locked down the driver interface is on Windows, so chances are that that's limited to some kernel stuff and user-space might be blocked somehow... might be worth checking if the Windows API allows arbitrary commands. Some SAM stuff should definitely be available like DTX (on the SB2 and SB3) or I think the TCL stuff. But if an attacker has admin rights, you've probably lost anyways. Anyways... awesome work!

quo commented 1 year ago

I actually wonder if the Surflink UART connection from the SAM is directly exposed on the Surflink connector, or if there is another controller in between. Might be fun to try to probe the connector, send some commands to TID 4, and see if anything shows up.

I'm not really sure what the worst thing is that you could actually do with modified SAM firmware though, in terms of security. Keylogging and then somehow exfiltrating via synthesized HID events maybe?

qzed commented 1 year ago

Yeah, HID interface is probably the most dangerous thing. Keylogging, full keyboard and touchpad control... I'd guess you could find ways to use that as a sort of basic rootkit to pull more advanced stuff into the OS (like having it write commands into a terminal or something, use that to disable some protection stuff and download OS-level malware). Doesn't really have to be that dangerous by itself, the problem is you can't really detect it from the OS until it starts to act.

qzed commented 1 year ago

I actually wonder if the Surflink UART connection from the SAM is directly exposed on the Surflink connector, or if there is another controller in between. Might be fun to try to probe the connector, send some commands to TID 4, and see if anything shows up.

I'm not sure if the information that I have is correct or how reliable it is, but there is a SAM_DEBUG_RX and a SAM_DEBUG_TX line connected directly from SAM to SurfLink. Now I'm not sure if that is only for pre-production / debug models or if that is also on the final ones. In fact, there even seems to be a debug mux that can multiplex those lines to lines of one of the USB-C ports on the SPX (again, no idea if that's still present on the final models). The USB-C mux apparently also allows access to the blade UART and the SAM-to-SoC/Host TX/RX lines.

I would somewhat assume that the USB-C mux has been stripped from the final models but the SurfLink pins might still be present (since I don't think they'd need any additional hardware).

qzed commented 1 year ago

Finally got around to unpack the SPX firmware and load it into Ghidra. Had to specify 0x67c as offset (not 0x66c), but with that, everything seems to work.

quo commented 1 year ago

Nice! The offset is 0x67c because the unpack script prepends the 0x10 byte setup data, since this is needed by the upload script. So the file consists of the 0x10 byte setup header + 0x66c bytes of headers (see parse_fw()) + the actual ARM binary.

A couple pointers to get you started (assuming the firmware is very similar to the SP7 firmware):

qzed commented 1 year ago

Thanks! That is quite helpful!