linux-system-roles / cockpit
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Feature request: add Kerberos authentication #132

Open Thulium-Drake opened 10 months ago

Thulium-Drake commented 10 months ago

Hi there,

In our organization we have Cockpit configured with Kerberos Authentication (

Is this something this role can also support?

Thulium-Drake commented 10 months ago

The tasks we use currently for settings up Kerberos:

- name: 'Ensure Kerberos Principal'
    name: "HTTP/{{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}@{{ ipaclient_domain | upper }}"
    state: 'present'
    ipaadmin_principal: "{{ cockpit_ipa_username }}"
    ipaadmin_password: "{{ cockpit_ipa_password }}"
  delegate_to: "{{ cockpit_ipa_server }}"

- name: 'Retrieve keytab' |
    kinit -k
    ipa-getkeytab -p HTTP/$(hostname -f)@{{ ipaclient_domain | upper }} -k '/etc/cockpit/krb5.keytab'
    creates: '/etc/cockpit/krb5.keytab'

- name: 'Ensure keytab ownership/permissions'
    path: '/etc/cockpit/krb5.keytab'
    owner: 'root'
    group: 'root'
    mode: '0400'

Not sure if this is the cleanest way to set it up, but maybe it helps :-)