linux-test-project / ltp

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How to compile LTP for Android #983

Open randytian opened 1 year ago

randytian commented 1 year ago

I want to cross compile LTP alone with android/platform/externel/ltp, but I don't know how to config. such as ./configure –prefix=/home/ltp_arm64 ./configure CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc –host=sparc64

indumathiraju commented 1 year ago

Many tests which would otherwise work are currently not built because they share a directory with an incompatible test.

Lets try using these steps for porting: 1.Specify ANDROID=1 when calling make.

2.other variables is inspired by

3.First create standalone toolchain (with [] then install it into /opt/android-standalone-toolchain.api-${API} Then build itself: make autotools ./configure --host=${HOST} --with-sysroot=${SYSROOT} make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) ANDROID=1 make install

But currently the build fails as many tests needs to be disabled (bionic doesn't support many required features see list of tests needed to be disabled: --> made by people from google.

pevik commented 1 year ago

You'd better to ask google folks. I tried to compile with SDK in the past, but not sure if it's still working. IMHO much easier is to download whole aosp and build LTP inside it.