Hello there,
I'm trying to compile and build by my self from source code. No problems with AT91Bootstrap, U-Boot and Kernel. During compiling yocto/poky I had some issues, but now I builded correctly these versions:
MACHINE=sama5d2-xplained-sd bitbake core-image-minimalMACHINE=sama5d27-som1-ek-sd bitbake core-image-minimal
npm requires at least 16GB of RAM, if it's easy then I would suggest getting more RAM, otherwise, try to reduce the number of parallel tasks that yocto is running.
Hello there, I'm trying to compile and build by my self from source code. No problems with AT91Bootstrap, U-Boot and Kernel. During compiling yocto/poky I had some issues, but now I builded correctly these versions:
MACHINE=sama5d2-xplained-sd bitbake core-image-minimal
MACHINE=sama5d27-som1-ek-sd bitbake core-image-minimal
Now I'm trying to build:
MACHINE=sama5d2-xplained-sd bitbake microchip-headless-image
MACHINE=sama5d27-som1-ek-sd bitbake microchip-headless-image
I have the same error nodejs with both machine:
Branch: kirkstone Dev machine: Ubuntu Server 20.04.6
Anyone with the same issue ?