linuxboot / book

LinuxBoot book which contains the documentation in markdown format
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list petitboot as an implementation example #86

Open orangecms opened 5 months ago

orangecms commented 5 months ago

prominently uses kexec :)

pamolloy commented 5 months ago

pamolloy commented 5 months ago
The folks behind the Austrialian free softwre group, OzLabs, and associated
consulting company, Code Construct, developed
[petitboot](, which is hosted under the
[OpenPower]( Github organization. It also
supports ARM64 with ACPI. It is a set of Linux userspace programs
leveraging udev and kexec with a ncurses interface. It is intended to be
built and integrated into an image with the
[op-build]( tool that wraps Buildroot.
petitboot is included as a package in mainline Buildroot.[^gitlab-buildroot-petitboot]

pamolloy commented 5 months ago is a good example for how it is implemented, including udev rules