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Linux Directory Structure and Linux Security #10

Closed vijaykrishnavanshi closed 7 years ago

vijaykrishnavanshi commented 7 years ago


Talk will be focused on the Linux Directory Structure and Linux Security.


This talk will give some insight to why a directory structure is a big deal and which one should you choose. Talk will somewhat be divided into two parts first one will cover things about the directory structure and the other one will describe security aspects in Linux system. The second part of the talk will also offer you tips on how you can secure it. We will try to keep the talk as practical as possible :)


Keen interest to Linux will do :)

Expected duration

Maximum 1 Hour




If you want to try what we will tell you, get your machines with Linux installed.

Speaker Bio

Vijay Krishnavanshi Google Summer of Code Student 2017( KDE ) email:

Abhishek Bundela Bug Hunter and Security Enthusiast twitter: @abhibundela

Link to Slides:

Pulkit07 commented 7 years ago

I wish I can attend this. @shivan1b Ma'am can you please stream this live? :smile_cat:

shivan1b commented 7 years ago

@Pulkit07 We can go live for sometime on Facebook and Twitter. ;)

vijaykrishnavanshi commented 7 years ago

Updated the link to slides.

CuriousLearner commented 7 years ago

Thank @vijaykrishnavanshi !

CuriousLearner commented 7 years ago

Added to README in 1902843