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Why should you contribute to Open Source? #32

Closed CuriousLearner closed 5 years ago

CuriousLearner commented 6 years ago


Just a simple discussion on Why should you contribute to Open Source?

Would try to answer things like "What's in it for me?"


Expected duration 30 mins

Level Beginner


Shall be up soon.

Speaker Bio

A random guy trying to contribute to Open Source.

- Can be done after the talk/workshop -

Include link to slides here

Include link to video here

cocoa1231 commented 6 years ago


Would you be available to give this talk on the 24th?

CuriousLearner commented 6 years ago

Nope @cocoa1231

cocoa1231 commented 5 years ago


Are you available to give this talk on the 5th Aug. Meetup?

CuriousLearner commented 5 years ago


I think this one was delivered earlier in LinuxChix meetup.