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Handson on Debian packaging of nodejs modules. #33

Closed Manas-kashyap closed 6 years ago

Manas-kashyap commented 6 years ago

It will be a Hands-on to pack some small modules of nodejs for Debian (Basicallly npm modules), I will also cover some tools like npm2deb and other tools like lintian , and fixing some patches using Quilt .

Expected Duration 1hr to 1:30 hr

Track LinuxChix talks are divided intro three tracks:

Pre-requisite Laptop with Debian sid in the docker. good internet connection.


anubhakushwaha commented 6 years ago

@CuriousLearner Where will this session be given?

CuriousLearner commented 6 years ago

@anubhakushwaha The venue is not finalized yet. It would be most probably on the next coming meetup on 18th Feb.

It should be announced soon.