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Tail Call Optimization in JVM with Kotlin #59

Open RotBolt opened 5 years ago

RotBolt commented 5 years ago

Abstract In recursive function, each call to to the function creates new stack frames in function call stack. This takes a memory. Tail Call optimization is programming technique in which we do not create new stack frames in the function call stack for recursive functions, hence save memory. Problem : JVM doesnt support Tail call optimization . Solution : Kotlin can help you write Tail Call optimized code

About Topics to be covered: 1)Function Call Stack 2)Recursive Function 3)Tail Call Optimization 4) Problem with JVM 5) Kotlin : Brief Intro to Kotlin Wonders 6) How Kotlin Solves the Problem (Deep Dive) Pre-requisites

Expected duration

40-45 min

Level Beginner


Speaker Bio

Associate Android Developer. Kotlin and Flutter Developer. Currently Pursuing 3rd year

CuriousLearner commented 5 years ago

Hello @theLimitBreaker ,

Can you please add slides/ presentation for your talk? Let us know once you're ready!