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Apache Cassandra - Finding the beauty in the architecture #63

Open cosmologist10 opened 5 years ago

cosmologist10 commented 5 years ago


In this fast growing world, where we are dealing with complex data which has multi-level nesting and hierarchies, NoSQL acts as a real saviour . While dealing with situations where we want high throughput instead of latency, Cassandra is first preference. In this meetup, I will be talking about cassandra, it's data modeling, architecture of every operations and why these days it is gaining this much popularity.


  1. NoSQL advantages over SQL database
  2. Types of NoSQL
  3. Column Datatype
  4. Apache cassandra and its characteristics
  5. Cassandra architecture
  6. Key Features of cassandra
  7. Node Architecture
  8. Cassandra query language(CQL) 9.CQL data structure


Expected duration


Speaker Bio

nihilistdbanana commented 5 years ago

Hey, are you available to give this talk in the meetup on 12th?