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Bots to Combat Sexism #81

Open varchanaiyer opened 5 years ago

varchanaiyer commented 5 years ago


Four in ten women in the United States have faced gender discrimination in their workplace. Sexism at the workplace is a global problem. Unfortunately, sexism is often reflected in workplace conversations through an unintentional bias. How can we detect such sexism at work?

Conversations in workplaces which can be monitored, often happen on platforms like Slack, Outlook etc. The Sexist Caution Bot helps to detect general sexist remarks in an organization. This bot was inspired by the Gilette Ad which showcased how we commonly use terms like "Girls are like that", "smart for a girl", "as good as a man". This bot can help make a small step in eliminating sexist remarks.

Furthermore, this is an open-source effort and can be expanded to other avenues. Reddit is a platform well recognized for its versatile use of toxic language. Bots could be helped to detect subreddits which are derogatory and antifeminist.

The talk is going to center around running models for natural language processing, extracting that information to build bots on social media platforms.

Pre-requisites 1.Elementary Knowledge of NLP

  1. Python and Tensorflow

Expected duration- 45 mins

*Level**- Beginner


Speaker Bio Archana Iyer is the co-founder of Next Tech Lab at SRM Institute of Science and Technology and is the head for the Women in Machine Learning and Data Science Chennai Chapter. Her achievements include winning the Smart India Hackathon 2017 as the first prize under the Ministry of Steel for using machine learning to detect power theft in India. Archana was also invited to the WiPDAconference in Xi’an China for presenting my work in GaN modeling of devices using machine learning, a collaboration with the University of Cambridge. She has around 3 IEEE Xplore Papers (1), (2), and 1 Elsevier papersfor her contribution to the Electrical and Machine learning fields. Currently, she works as a Machine Learning Researcher at Saama Technologies. She is also an Intel software innovator. Her interests lie in machine learning, IoT and quantum computing.

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shivan1b commented 5 years ago

Confirming your talk for the meetup on 25th.