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Desktop Zoom (Super & + keys) not working properly in Deepin v20 #2629

Closed mmohsinkhan closed 2 years ago

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago

I am a software developer with eye sight problem, I need screen magnification to use my computer and carry out routine work.

I have been using Deepin 15 as my daily driver for almost a year. Screen magnification works fine on Deepin 15 but now it doesn't seems to work properly on Deepin v20. Keyboard shortcuts Zoom In: Super & + keys Zoom Out: Super & - keys

Desktop zoom does not follow mouse pointer on Deepin v20 plus there is extreme frame drop. All in all desktop zoom in Deepin v20 Beta is not usable.

I want to continue using Deepin and upgrade to v20 but without screen magnification it won't be possible. Please help.

Best Regards

XMuli commented 3 years ago

Hello, depin v20 beta has crtl + + and crtl + - for scaling; this feature is always present; you can install the v20 environment on another computer and find that it is present!

XMuli commented 3 years ago

For v15, it may not be possible to upgrade to v20 via repository, but it may be more suitable to reinstall it (we suggest to backup your data beforehand, for v20 full version via repository, we are still testing it internally, of course, you can also wait for the later standard version of v20); Best wishes to you!

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago

Great. Thanks a lot. I will test it on a VM.

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago

@xmuli I tried the mentioned shortcut on a Deepin v20 Beta VM installation but it did not work. Crtl + + increases font size in terminal and in browser but does not turn on screen magnification. Please guide.

Update: Installed Deepin v20 on a physical disk, desktop zoom works with (Super & +) key but zoom does not follow mouse plus there is visible frame drop. Issue description has been updated.

XMuli commented 3 years ago

Try win + +, and win + - to enlarge the desktop

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago

Try win + +, and win + - to enlarge the desktop

Yes I did this using "Win + +", actually by " (Super & +)" I meant "Win + +". Problem is that it is not usable anymore. Zoom does not follow mouse pointer (like it used to in Deepin v15) and frame drop is quite obvious.

If you have a working Deepin v20 Beta installation (not VM), you can verify it yourself. Thanks for you support.

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago


Is there any plan to fix this issue ? I want to use Deepin v20 but this limitation is stopping me.

Best Regards

XMuli commented 3 years ago

Hello, actually I always remember you, thank you for your love of deepin

Just now, I have communicated with the operation manager and the product. They have paid attention to this and will fix this problem later

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I am extremely grateful.

XMuli commented 3 years ago

happy :smiley: :smiley:

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago

Will be 😀 When I would be able to use v20. But my thanks for your support.

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago

Want to share something that I think might help in figuring out the component causing this problem.

Because I want Deepin so badly, I installed EndeavourOS (Arch based) as it offers Deepin v20 Beta DDE as a desktop option :) . Surprisingly desktop zoom was working completely fine on DDE 20 with EndeavourOS, so I suspect this problem has to do with base system or maybe some sort of driver configuration.


XMuli commented 3 years ago

For the time being, you can use this function normally, I am very happy. Maybe @felixonmars knows the reason for this, (Why does dde move with the mouse in arch is normal)

mmohsinkhan commented 3 years ago

Hi, Is there any chance of this issues getting fixed ? Tried latest Deepin release, problem still persists.

BLumia commented 2 years ago

Hi, sorry for the super late response.

I tested this issue on deepin v20.5 (with deepin-kwin) and also Arch Linux (with deepin-wm) and it seems Super + ± should now be able to zoom-in and out correctly! Please update your system and see if it's working for you.

If you still have similar issues, please feel free to create another issue with necessary detailed information so we can look into it. Thanks!