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Authorization request after log in and language changes #336

Closed avently closed 7 years ago

avently commented 7 years ago

Updated to lastest versions of all Deepin apps from Manjaro's repo. Now when i logging in to system a window with authorization request show up (after i already entered a password!). If i click Cancel the system freezes for 1 minute 10 seconds (i counted). I can't do anything. You added new feature that can help to change language - Shift + Alt shortcut. This feature produce this authorization window too! It insane. If i want to change the language with shortcut i need to enter the password. Even if i enter it correctly the system freezes for 1 minute 10 seconds... Can you take a look at your code and find this bug?

avently commented 7 years ago

I downgraded deepin-daemon to 3.1.11-1 from 3.1.12-1 and authorization window dissapeared. But when i try to change keylayout by pressing Shift+Alt the system freezes. Maybe thats why the system freezes after logging in. Deepin tries to change keylayout. If i will remove deepin-daemon then no startup freeze at all! I checked it too.

hualet commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun @electricface

jouyouyun commented 7 years ago

Update deepin-daemon to 3.1.13

avently commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun i built dde-daemon from source and the authorization screen dissapeared. But freeze after i log in and after keyboard layout changes still exist.

avently commented 7 years ago

Even if i change this value: com.deepin.dde.keyboard.layout via Dconf system is freezing. After pressing Super + Shift i see this in log: авг 02 18:10:30 linux dde-osd[5604]: show osd "DirectSwitchLayout" авг 02 18:10:30 linux dde-osd[5604]: current layout changed to: "ru;"

And nothing more about 20 seconds of freeze. Can you suggest me what to do?

jouyouyun commented 7 years ago

Update deepin-desktop-schemas, or exec 'killall dde-session-daemon;/usr/lib/deepin-daemon/dde-session-daemon', then paste the outputs.

avently commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun freeze was after this line:

utils_bluez.go:343: bluezWatchRestart &{/org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus 0xc4203eb5f0 map[] {0 0}} [log.txt](
avently commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun i had been building dde-daemon without one of the modules. The problem was with inputdevices. When i skipped initialization of this module there was no freeze. But of course language switch is not working.

jouyouyun commented 7 years ago

The module inputdevices is no problem from your log.txt. Have you upgrade dde-control-center and dde-session-ui?

jouyouyun commented 7 years ago

Exec killall dde-session-daemon;/usr/lib/deepin-daemon/dde-session-daemon -v to debug

avently commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun I have deepin-session-ui 4.0.13-3 deepin-control-center 4.2.3-4. There are no updates.

jouyouyun commented 7 years ago

dde-control-center has new version 4.2.5

jouyouyun commented 7 years ago

Try move /usr/lib/deepin-daemon/dde-osd to other directory, then test whether freeze again, thanks!

avently commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun This is with -v option

sudo mv /usr/lib/deepin-daemon/dde-osd /usr/lib/deepin-daemon/dde-osdd Tried to change keylayout and system freezed again.. Pacman and yaourt don't show me the new version. Maybe later

jouyouyun commented 7 years ago

No error found. How about the cpu usage and memory usage when freeze? I'm in arch, please check your packages version according to my attachment, thanks! dde_in_arch.txt

avently commented 7 years ago

Manjaro packages will be updated a little bit later than arch packages. startdde 3.1.14-1 deepin-daemon 3.1.16-1 deepin-api 3.1.11-1 deepin-desktop-schemas-manjaro 3.1.15-1 deepin-control-center 4.2.3-4 deepin-session-ui 4.0.13-3 deepin-wm 1.9.14-1 deepin-wm-switcher 1.1.2-1 deepin-metacity 3.22.10-1

Hm, i rechecked keylayout change after renaming dde-osd and now there is no freeze and no layout change working. Need to reboot computer to check

avently commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun how will I know cpu usage while screen is freezed? First second after freeze cpu usage is higher. And yes, there is no freeze if I use super+shift. If I change layout via settings screen is freezing as before.

jouyouyun commented 7 years ago

Open a terminal, then exec top, keep the terminal showing, then to change layout in dde-control-center. And Pay attention to cpu/memory changes in top.

avently commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun when I said freezing I mean I can move mouse cursor but screen is not changing at all. It looks like an image so "top" or "htop" can't help

avently commented 7 years ago

new info. I started downloading a file in browser and when 80 mb was downloaded i did: killall dde-session-daemon;/usr/lib/deepin-daemon/dde-session-daemon -v

after two or three minutes screen was unfreezed and downloaded size was 160 mb. So the file had been downloading while screen didn't work like it should. I will test this behaviour with Manjaro Deepin livecd. Maybe it is my fault.

avently commented 7 years ago

@jouyouyun i'm so sorry. It was a problem with ~/.Xmodmap file. I don't know why this file exist but after deleting it the problem goes away. Thank you for you time!