linuxgurugamer / BetterTimeWarpContinued

A Kerbal Space Program mod that enables customized time warping
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Incompatibility with Stock Visual Terrain mod #15

Closed ContraMuffin closed 6 years ago

ContraMuffin commented 6 years ago

Not sure where to post a bug/issue, but I discovered one. I did a bunch of experimentation, and it seems like Better Time Warp and Stock Visual Terrain (with its dependencies, of course) together will, without fail, either crash or softlock the game. When one is installed without the other, the game runs without any errors. After a crash, Kopernicus will throw this error message:

Kopernicus was not able to load the custom planetary system due to an exception in the loading process. Loading your savegame is NOT recommended, because the missing planets could corrupt it and delete your progress. Please contact the planet pack author or the Kopernicus team about the issue and send them a valid bugreport, including your KSP.log, your ModuleManager.ConfigCache file and the folder Logs/Kopernicus/ from your KSP root directory

The forums post of Better Time Warp doesn't seem to have this incompatibility listed, so I assume it wasn't known. I have attached my logs in case they're needed.

Sigma88 commented 6 years ago

If I have time I'll take a look as well

Did you also try kopernicus + bettertimewarp to see if the problem is SVT or kopernicus?

ContraMuffin commented 6 years ago

Yes, I tested with SVE + EVE + Kopernicus + Better Time Warp, and that works. Seems to ONLY crash with SVT + Better Time Warp installed.

linuxgurugamer commented 6 years ago

Did you test this with Timecontrol (another mod which changes the time warping)?

ContraMuffin commented 6 years ago

linuxgurugamer, I went ahead and tested with SVT + Timecontrol + all my other mods. This combination works, and the game doesn't crash (though the loading screens are understandably slow). I haven't tested timewarping with Timecontrol, but since all the crashes happen during loading screens, I didn't feel a need to test out the time warp.

ContraMuffin commented 6 years ago

linuxgurugamer, StollD has discovered the root of the issue. It appears that there lacks enough memory when SVT and Better Time Warp are both installed - this is easily resolved by running 64-bit KSP.