linuxgurugamer / FTLDriveContinued

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Configurable resouce in part config #1

Closed Comwarrior closed 7 years ago

Comwarrior commented 7 years ago

I would like to request an enhancement. Can you put the resource used to charge the FTL drive in the FTL module in the part config? Right now it is hard coded to use EC only but it would make it more useful if it could be configured on a per part basis to use a resource you could define per part. So, for example you could create a warp nacelle that used 'warp plasma' as a resource to charge the FTL drive.

Also, another thought would be if it detected multiple FTL drive parts and used them all to increase success chance / charge time. So perhaps you could have enough FTL drives to be able to execute a jump from the launch pad at KSC to lathe orbit?


Jimbodiah commented 7 years ago

FTL from the surface or from orbit is OP as hell. The requirement to be at a certain altitude is at least some kind of gaming balance, but even then FTL is still OP basically. You might as well just use hyperedit if you want to use it straight from the launchpad.

I tend to use FTL when I am at the end-game and flying to Mars for the 10th time is just becoming tedious. Combined with NF Propulsion you can make a complete Star Trek setup in your career, which is awesome too. But still requires getting into high orbits etc.

edit: I don't think Guru checks the github pages all that often. :)

linuxgurugamer commented 7 years ago

I actually saw this when it first was posted, but I don't think it's really applicable to this mod. Maybe another one.
It already detects multiple FTL drive parts and merges them all together

Jimbodiah commented 7 years ago

WHah, I didn't even know that they merged :)

linuxgurugamer commented 7 years ago

Changelog, version 0.1.3 I'm closing this, since I'm not going to change the resource. Sorry