Closed linuxgurugamer closed 4 years ago
From @superdavekerman on May 22, 2016 19:46
This is happening to me also. I see this in the KSP.log and KSP-AVC.log
[Exception 15:12:17.5042250]: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.^M
at UnityEngine.GUILayout.BeginScrollView (Vector2 scrollPosition, Boolean alwaysShowHorizontal, Boolean alwaysShowVertical, UnityEngine.GUIStyle horizontalScrollbar, UnityEngine.GUIStyle verticalScrollbar, UnityEngine.GUIStyle background, UnityEngine.GUILayoutOption[] options) [0x00000] in
Note that the gui window that tells you about out of date plugins with download links doesn't appear, and I should have 2-3 of them.
From @superdavekerman on May 22, 2016 20:23
Ok, ignore that exception (for this issue), now I'm not hanging but it still logs the exception. I reviewed the log previously and found only one mod (KAS) that showed in the in-game add-on list but not in the log. The url is on, so not that unusual there, but the downloaded kas.version isn't the same as the local. The name is different (KAS vs Kerbal Attachment System) and the local is missing download and github info.
From @tprussak on April 20, 2016 20:45
Sometimes, if AVC can check most of the updates, but one is blocked by a firewall or something similar, then the AVC window will stay in the center of the screen, impossible to move or remove. It says checking mod 44/45 or something along those lines.
Copied from original issue: CYBUTEK/KSPAddonVersionChecker#14