linuxgurugamer / QuickMods

A plugin collection for Kerbal Space Program
GNU General Public License v3.0
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update zerominivac #12

Open ashtiboy opened 4 years ago

ashtiboy commented 4 years ago

hello i need the mod called zerominivac updated becuse minivac just spams so much on my mac that it realy fills up the garbage colection no mater what i do becuse minivac keeps compaineing that it dons't have the sistem32 windows os kernal file even thoue on a mac it deosnt need it but i can't disable this consuol lag spam on my mac becuse theres no way to do so and my mac is powerful enoth to load alot of mods but minivac aperntly make so much garbage log spam on my mac to the pont its almost unplayble besce it keeps loging an error that only efeects the mac verson of kerbal space program i need this mod so my GC cache dosn't keep geting spamed with an error for a file it dosn't need to use on a mac port of unity and if a don't get this mod up to date for KSP 1.9.1 and 1.10 i won't beable to use mods becuse minivac won't stop spaming on every mod that has minivac installed on this is so bad for trying to run mods on mac that if a don't have this i can't play without useing like 4X the ram to just deal with minivacs mac compatbily over sight all the mods incudeing minivac work but minivac doesn't realse its reporting an error for a file it does not need to run on a mac port even thou the mac port has it working without the file but it won't stop spaming it and it does it like regardless even if madlad says all the mods are installed properly but it won't stop spameing that one gui file error measage that says its not a vaild gui frame work expton error that says it needs the windos sistem 32 framework file even thooe it dosn't need it on the mac port of the KSP its just boging down my sistem for no reason on my mac for a file it doen't need on a mac and i can't stop this error without just removeing all the mods and not play with mods ever bacuse minivac deosnt take into acount of the mac KSP port difent framwork files are bulit into the app progam intearnaly and doesn't need to look for it nonstop and report an error that isn't needed on a mac port and to work at the same time if a don't have zerominivac i can't use any mods with minivac becuse minivac from its error spam is like slowing the game down a virus becuse of HOW INTENSE IT LOG SPAM IS i can't even play for more then a 30 or 1 hour sesion despte haveing a computer that shuld handle kerbal space progam even with alot of mods but minivac is bascly spaming so much it hogs all the ram out of the rest of KSP ram space with non stop unnessary error report spawm that make palying mods on mac and lenex almost unplayble duw to a over sight that doesn't take into acunt of the non windos ports or KSP any one that not playing KSP on a windos needs zerominivac or the minivac makes useing mods on KSP unplayble from one oversight that only make it playable in a windos os

7ranceaddic7 commented 4 years ago

ZeroMiniAVC is up-to-date.

Try removing and reinstalling.

Make sure you delete ALL INSTANCES as it sounds like you may have more than one version installed.

linuxgurugamer commented 4 years ago

Make sure you download it either via CKAN or from here: