linuxgurugamer / TacFuelBalancer

TAC Fuel Balancer by Taranis Elsu.
1 stars 2 forks source link

Remove Dump from hot buttons #3

Open histalonia opened 4 years ago

histalonia commented 4 years ago

Please remove the D (dump) button from the hot buttons.
(or add an option to configure the hot buttons with dump not there by default) Its right next to the menu button.

Thanks so much for mantaining TacFuelBalancer.

linuxgurugamer commented 4 years ago

Explain, please. If I made changes for every small change requested, I'd never have time to do anything

ashtiboy commented 4 years ago

its becuse the d key is need for SAS to yaw right and when you press that key you end up dumping the fuel too so not a good key for that so thats the expaination by the way thats the d key shuold of never be used by other mods becuse KSP uses that key in flight for sas control for right yaw movment so thats why hes asking you to change it becuse its conflecting with KSP defalt yaw control keys that you need to press and this change is needed becuse if you can't change the key not to conflict with KSP delfalt Yaw control you keep dumping fuel every time you want to yaw to the right and you need to press that every time you want to manuly yaw to the right so this is madtory if trying to fly and control a space plane or rocket manaly without you bascly dumping fuel by acadent every time you yaw to the right

ashtiboy commented 4 years ago

also change all your mods keys so they dont use the A,W,S,D,Q,E,U,O,I,J,K,L keys becuse those are used for manule SAS and rcs control so those keys needed to be changed to be configable or you only be only acceds thoue the mod menu only sence those keys are needed by KSP itsself for manaul space plane or rocket control its hard to manuly control your space craft if every time you try to control it it keeps spaming the menus or dumping and messing with the fuel when all you want to do is fly the space craft witch you can do with your contols also mess with oyur fuel its like every time you move your planes joy stick right you dump you planes fuel out of the tanks and when you try to pull up you end up haveing your CFC desplay change to the fuel tank view mode like every time you do that and have to change it evry time you pull up to see the other CFC desplay menus and that is a VERY BAD DESNE FLAW that can crash planes that same problem has killed even the best aircraft pilots and your experzise in flying planes will tell you that kind of thing is a bad thing

histalonia commented 4 years ago

Workaround is to use TacFuelBalancer 2.20.0, which I haven't had an issue with up to and including KSP 1.10.1.

I realize linuxgurugamer has numerous mods he works hard to maintain.