linuxha / node-red-contrib-mytimeout

A dynamic count down timer for node-red
MIT License
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Timer does not stop for FLOAT timeout values #10

Open tsprivate opened 5 years ago

tsprivate commented 5 years ago

Hi, I was experimenting a bit further with your timeout.

I have a calculated timeout which is a float value. When passing the float ast msg.timeout into your



linuxha commented 5 years ago

I need to add in the document that mytimeout can only handle integer numbers. The issue is that the design counts down in 1 second intervals. So the time never hit 0 but was less than 0. Zero means timer has stopped, less than zero means time is not running. I coudn't come up with a decent design to handle floats.

I will look at the input to see if I can force it to an int to make sure it behaves better (hits zero and sends the off).

tsprivate commented 5 years ago

I just used a function node in front of the timeout and did a simple parseInt() to the timeout value. This sorted the issue for me

readeral commented 5 years ago

With #14 meaning that the Interval starts and stops (rather than continues to run) changing else if(ticks == 0) to else if(ticks <= 0) in the 'TIX' event listener should now be possible (as it won't continue to trigger, and respond to a -1 value). This would resolve this problem without the need for a function node.