linuxha / node-red-contrib-mytimeout

A dynamic count down timer for node-red
MIT License
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Output Topic - not coming out #16

Closed tsprivate closed 4 years ago

tsprivate commented 5 years ago

Hi , I'm using your timer for many flows. I had not used the "Output topic" before but in my current flow it does not come to the output and I have to set the "topic" manually. A debug-node was showing empty Topic content. I'm using your latest version and the node node-red-contrib-simple-gate


[{"id":"49c07f1b.63b48","type":"gate","z":"ebaeea0a.a6df68","name":"","controlTopic":"control","defaultState":"open","openCmd":"open","closeCmd":"close","toggleCmd":"toggle","defaultCmd":"default","x":650,"y":240,"wires":[["3bccad86.0811b2","9d9fed9b.0875f"]]},{"id":"9d9fed9b.0875f","type":"mytimeout","z":"ebaeea0a.a6df68","name":"outage","outtopic":"control","outsafe":"close","outwarning":"","outunsafe":"Open","warning":"5","timer":"3600","debug":false,"ndebug":false,"ignoreCase":false,"repeat":false,"again":false,"x":630,"y":180,"wires":[["2864c9f4.bd6b66"],[]]},{"id":"2864c9f4.bd6b66","type":"change","z":"ebaeea0a.a6df68","name":"ctrl","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"control","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":750,"y":180,"wires":[["49c07f1b.63b48"]]},{"id":"3bccad86.0811b2","type":"function","z":"ebaeea0a.a6df68","name":"Set temp","func":"var temp1 = parseInt(msg.payload.tempc);\nvar speed = parseInt((msg.payload.windspeed)*3.6);\nmsg.payload.tempc = temp1;\nmsg.payload.windspeed = speed;\nreturn (msg);","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":810,"y":240,"wires":[["791b24dd.eb735c"]]}]

linuxha commented 5 years ago

I'm a bit behind on this code, I'll need to see where this fits with the other bug fix and the feature request. Sorry about that.

tsprivate commented 5 years ago

No worries, the workaround with the the change-node (to set the topic) after your timer does work

linuxha commented 4 years ago

I did another update for an updated README (corrections) and the npm version. One of these days I'll get it straight in my head how to use github. I've pushed 3.1.0 to npm. Sorry I forgot about this (since last Oct) been busy at work. I'm hoping that will slow down a bit now but it doesn't look like it will.

linuxha commented 4 years ago

Found that the topic (and other attributes) are on most messages. Working on getting them on all output 1 messages.

linuxha commented 4 years ago

This has passed my test suite where topic (and extra attributes) are in all the output 1 msgs. I'm going close this.