linuxha / node-red-contrib-mytimeout

A dynamic count down timer for node-red
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Should I pass in a JSON string or a javascript object? #19

Closed colinl closed 4 years ago

colinl commented 4 years ago

The documentation says that we can pass in JSON containing attributes such as payload and timeout. Does this actually mean that I have to construct a JSON string containing the structure or should it be a javascript object containing the values?

linuxha commented 4 years ago

Save your sanity and stick with JSON objects. I do try to handle JSON string that can be decoded to objects but I don't know if I cover all possible implementations of it.

Example: {"payload":"{ \"payload\":\"on\",\"timeout\":6,\"warning\":0}","qos":0} becomes: { "payload":"on","timeout":6,"warning":0}

But if it arrives in another format I'm not sure I can handle it correctly. If you mean something else please provide an example. Actually it would be a good idea to provide and example anyway.

I recall strings to object giving me nightmares figuring out and testing.

colinl commented 4 years ago

I am confused by your use of the term "JSON object". JSON is a method of encoding javascript objects as strings (, so there is not really any such thing as a JSON object. There are javascript objects and there are JSON strings. JSON is always a string, which represents a javascript object. Am I right in thinking that when you say JSON object you actually mean javascript objects?

linuxha commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I don't write as much code as I used to (Python for automation, C, Asm). The rest is hobby so I'm not up on the correct terminology (I do QA and know correct terminology is important). I also see I messed up the quoting above. What I meant by a JSON string is a string that contains escaped JSON (it has not been parsed yet): Example:

{"payload":"{ \"payload\":\"on\",\"timeout\":6,\"warning\":0}","qos":0} // the payload contains a string Parsed becomes: { "payload":"on","timeout":6,"warning":0 } // This is JSON, I call it a JSON object I've been calling what the first payload returns a 'JSON string' and the second a JSON object. Technically it's all strings but when you query (typeof(msg.payload) it from Javascript it's a string and an object

colinl commented 4 years ago

If, for example, in a function node I put

msg.payload = {"payload":"on", "timeout":6, "warning":0 }
return msg

Then in msg.payload is a javascript object, not a JSON object. So to get back to my original question, can I feed the output of the above function into your node and expect it to work?

linuxha commented 4 years ago

msg.payload = {"payload":"on", "timeout":6, "warning":0 } return msg Yes, that will work.

I basically get this from an inject (payload {} "payload":"on","timeout":30} ): {"_msgid":"7693409.f2669c","topic":"","payload":{"payload":"on","timeout":30}} That's from a debug node set to the complete msg object. Note the lack of the warning means it takes the default values. Same would apply to the timeout. I think I treat a lack of a payload as an on message. The original timer that Pete wrote just send something to the time to 'tickle' it on.

Sorry for any confusion.

colinl commented 4 years ago

Thanks for clarifying that the node accepts Javascript objects rather than JSON (string). Could I suggest that you remove references to JSON from the readme as it causes confusion among readers who think that it is necessary to pass in a string rather than just ordinary javascript objects with attributes. See this thread on the node-red forum for example where the poster was having difficulty trying to construct a string.

linuxha commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the information, I'll read that and get the readme corrected. :-)

This won't be easy.

linuxha commented 4 years ago

Colin thanks for the information and setting me straight. I've made a first attempt at the corrections. I hope this is better. I still need to further work so that it is less confusing.

Oh, having a bit of trouble with github push (dang key issue, I'll resolve that this weekend). The NPM publish worked better.

linuxha commented 4 years ago

I'm going to close this but I still have additional work on the documentation to do.