linuxkit / kubernetes

minimal and immutable Kubernetes images built with LinuxKit
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How to set up a development environment? #78

Open nikovirtala opened 6 years ago

nikovirtala commented 6 years ago

How should I set up my development environment (which tools, CI etc.) to be able to build functional "local" versions of the pkgs like kubelet used in this project? - If I simply build the kubelet pkg using 'docker build .' , put its id into yml/kube.yml and build new image it seems that the files and folders like '/var/lib/kubeadm' which are created by other service containers are not visible.

I'd be happy to help on fixing issues like #71 and #72 but first I need to get a working development environment. :)

ijc commented 6 years ago

You should use linuxkit pkg build «path» not docker build «path», that will incorporate the settings from build.yml and produce a working package. You can install the tool from the linuxkit/linuxkit repo, or brew, I think.

You might like to use the --dev flag which will build a $USER/$pkg:dev instead of linuxkit/$pkg:$HASH. Otherwise you might find linuxkit pkg show-tag handy for extracting the right tag to use.

For CI you can use rtf (installed by linuxkit/linuxkit repo, or perhaps brew too?) then cd tests && rtf run will do a smoke test of the 4 combinations or runtime and network, or you can give the name of a specific test to run to speed things up (or just build and boot manually for debug).

HTH, thanks in advance fr your help on #71 and #72!

nikovirtala commented 6 years ago

linuxkit pkg build «path» was the missing trick. Thanks for advise! This took me at least one step further.

It seems that doing such a simple step as adding a file in to this system is not as straight forward as I first thought; thanks to binds, mounts and files - What would be the best way to get understanding how and which files and folders are linked together and in which order that happens (what overwrites what) ?

ijc commented 6 years ago

What would be the best way to get understanding how and which files and folders are linked together and in which order that happens (what overwrites what) ?

I'm afraid there's no magic bullet for this (or any docs, sorry!). Your best bet is probably to boot a system and have a poke around using ctr to enter the various container environments and looking at /proc/xxx/mountinfo and friends.