linuxmint / cinnamon-desktop

The cinnamon-desktop library (and common settings schemas for the cinnamon desktop)
GNU General Public License v2.0
187 stars 63 forks source link

Fix the sorting triangles. Don't make the same mistake as Gnome #156

Closed php4fan closed 4 years ago

php4fan commented 4 years ago

I decided to try Cinnamon because I'm sick of Gnome's drift towards madness, their continuous idiotic design decisions, their active commitment to making Gnome worse and making their users' life miserable. Because these seemed to be the same reasons that motivated Cinnamon's creation as a fork of Gnome, I trust the community of developers behind Cinnamon to have better judgment than that of the one behind Gnome. That is, to have any judgment at all.

So, I'm a bit disappointed to see that the convetion of sorting triangle icons (often wrongly called arrows) is not fixed in Cinnamon.

The issue is described here:

I hoped Cinnamon would get this right. Please fix the mistake you evidently inherited from Gnome.

php4fan commented 4 years ago

In a nutshell (not my work):


JosephMcc commented 4 years ago

I'm closing this for a couple reasons. One, I don't think this is the place to for bashing on other projects. Weather or not you are a fan. The other is because I don't think we have any intention of patching a ton of applications or gtk itself to change this behaviour.

php4fan commented 4 years ago

One, I don't think this is the place to for bashing on other projects

Well, I don't think that in itself is a reason to close an issue. The only criteria should be whether the issue is valid and worth working at.

The other is because I don't think we have any intention of patching a ton of applications

Do you mean every single application renders its own sorting icons? Don't they use some common library for that?