linuxmint / cinnamon-spices-applets

Applets for the Cinnamon desktop
GNU General Public License v2.0
631 stars 521 forks source link

calendar@ccprog: no work #3063

Closed Bundy01 closed 4 years ago

Bundy01 commented 4 years ago
 * Applet version/Build date (to be found in "About.." or in "metadata.json")
Version 1.1.0 (2020-06-03 08:09:28)
 * Cinnamon version (cinnamon --version)
Cinnamon 4.6.2
 * Distribution - (Mint 17.2, Arch, Fedora 25, etc...)
 * Graphics hardware *and* driver used
 * Snippet or attachment of ~/.cinnamon/glass.log
error t=2020-06-08T16:52:40Z 
[calendar@ccprog]: invalid country
[calendar@ccprog]: Failed to load applet: calendar@ccprog/261
error t=2020-06-08T16:52:40Z 
[calendar@ccprog]: Applet calendar@ccprog: Could not create applet object.
[calendar@ccprog]: Error importing applet.js from calendar@ccprog

Notify author of applet @ccprog

Issue At the time of installation, this applet worked, but since an update, it is no longer the case. To make it work, I have to enter in the parameters to select another country and then reselect my country. If I restart Cinnamon, the problem comes back with a notification error and the holidays are no longer displayed.

Steps to reproduce From the start of Cinnamon.

Expected behaviour

Other information

ccprog commented 4 years ago

There is a file .cinnamon/configs/calendar@ccprog/nn.json in your home directory (nn being an integer). Could you please copy the contents of that file into a Gist, so that I can examine it?

Do you want to display holidays for another country than the one set for your system, indicated by the output of locale lang_ab?

Bundy01 commented 4 years ago


    "layout": {
        "type": "layout",
        "pages": [
        "page1": {
            "type": "page",
            "title": "Calendar",
            "sections": [
        "page2": {
            "type": "page",
            "title": "World Clocks",
            "sections": [
        "section1": {
            "type": "section",
            "title": "Display",
            "keys": [
        "section2": {
            "type": "section",
            "title": "Get Public Holidays for",
            "keys": [
        "section3": {
            "type": "section",
            "title": "Keyboard shortcuts",
            "keys": [
        "section4": {
            "type": "section",
            "title": "Show World Times",
            "keys": [
    "show-week-numbers": {
        "type": "switch",
        "default": false,
        "description": "Show week numbers in calendar",
        "tooltip": "Check this to show week numbers in the calendar.",
        "value": true
    "weekend-length": {
        "type": "radiogroup",
        "default": 2,
        "description": "Mark as weekend days",
        "tooltip": "Set how many days are marked as non-working days per week.",
        "options": {
            "One day": 1,
            "Two days": 2
        "value": 2
    "use-custom-format": {
        "type": "switch",
        "default": false,
        "description": "Use a custom date format",
        "tooltip": "Check this to define a custom format for the date in the calendar applet.",
        "value": false
    "custom-format": {
        "type": "entry",
        "default": "%A, %B %e, %H:%M",
        "description": "Date format",
        "indent": true,
        "dependency": "use-custom-format",
        "tooltip": "Set your custom format here.",
        "value": "%A, %B %e, %H:%M"
    "format-button": {
        "type": "button",
        "description": "Show information on date format syntax",
        "indent": true,
        "dependency": "use-custom-format",
        "callback": "on_custom_format_button_pressed",
        "tooltip": "Click this button to know more about the syntax for date formats."
    "country": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Country",
        "options": {
            "Angola": "ago",
            "Australia": "aus",
            "Austria": "aut",
            "Belgium": "bel",
            "Bosnia and Herzegovina": "bih",
            "Brazil": "bra",
            "Canada": "can",
            "Chile": "chl",
            "China": "chn",
            "Colombia": "col",
            "Croatia": "hrv",
            "Czech Republic": "cze",
            "Denmark": "dnk",
            "Estonia": "est",
            "Finland": "fin",
            "France": "fra",
            "Germany": "deu",
            "Greece": "grc",
            "Hong Kong": "hkg",
            "Hungary": "hun",
            "Iceland": "isl",
            "Ireland": "irl",
            "Isle of Man": "imn",
            "Israel": "isr",
            "Italy": "ita",
            "Japan": "jpn",
            "Korea (South)": "kor",
            "Latvia": "lva",
            "Lithuania": "ltu",
            "Luxembourg": "lux",
            "Macedonia": "mkd",
            "Mexico": "mex",
            "Netherlands": "nld",
            "New Zealand": "nzl",
            "Norway": "nor",
            "Peru": "per",
            "Philippines": "phl",
            "Poland": "pol",
            "Portugal": "prt",
            "Romania": "rou",
            "Russian Federation": "rus",
            "Serbia": "srb",
            "Singapore": "sgp",
            "Slovakia": "svk",
            "Slovenia": "svn",
            "South Africa": "zaf",
            "Sweden": "swe",
            "Switzerland": "che",
            "Ukraine": "ukr",
            "United Kingdom": "gbr",
            "United States of America": "usa"
        "value": "fra"
    "has_region": {
        "type": "generic",
        "default": [
        "value": [
    "region_aus": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Region",
        "options": {
            "Australian Capital Territory": "act",
            "Queensland": "qld",
            "New South Wales": "nsw",
            "Northern Territory": "nt",
            "South Australia": "sa",
            "Tasmania": "tas",
            "Victoria": "vic",
            "Western Australia": "wa"
        "dependency": "country=aus",
        "value": null
    "region_can": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Region",
        "options": {
            "Alberta": "ab",
            "British Columbia": "bc",
            "Manitoba": "mb",
            "New Brunswick": "nb",
            "Newfoundland and Labrador": "nl",
            "Northwest Territories": "nt",
            "Nova Scotia": "ns",
            "Nunavut": "nu",
            "Ontario": "on",
            "Prince Edward Island": "pe",
            "Quebec": "qc",
            "Saskatchewan": "sk",
            "Yukon": "yt"
        "dependency": "country=can",
        "value": null
    "region_deu": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Region",
        "options": {
            "Baden-W\u00fcrttemberg": "bw",
            "Bayern": "by",
            "Berlin": "be",
            "Brandenburg": "bb",
            "Bremen": "hb",
            "Hamburg": "hh",
            "Hessen": "he",
            "Niedersachsen": "ni",
            "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern": "mv",
            "Nordrhein-Westphalen": "nw",
            "Rheinland-Pfalz": "rp",
            "Saarland": "sl",
            "Sachsen": "sn",
            "Sachsen-Anhalt": "st",
            "Schleswig-Holstein": "sh",
            "Th\u00fcringen": "th"
        "dependency": "country=deu",
        "value": null
    "region_nzl": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Region",
        "options": {
            "Auckland": "auk",
            "Bay of Plenty": "bop",
            "Canterbury": "can",
            "Gisborne": "gis",
            "Hawke's Bay": "hkb",
            "Marlborough": "mbh",
            "Manawatu-Wanganui": "mwt",
            "Nelson": "nsn",
            "Northland": "ntl",
            "Otago": "ota",
            "Southland": "stl",
            "Tasman": "tas",
            "Taranaki": "tki",
            "Waikato": "wko",
            "Wellington": "wgn",
            "West Coast": "wtc",
            "Chatham Islands Territory": "cit"
        "dependency": "country=nzl",
        "value": null
    "region_svk": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Region",
        "options": {
            "Banskobystrick\u00fd kraj": "bc",
            "Bratislavsk\u00fd kraj": "bl",
            "Ko\u0161ick\u00fd kraj": "ki",
            "Nitriansky kraj": "ni",
            "Pre\u0161ovsk\u00fd kraj": "pv",
            "Trnavsk\u00fd kraj": "ta",
            "Tren\u010diansky kraj": "tc",
            "\u017dilinsk\u00fd kraj": "zi"
        "dependency": "country=svk",
        "value": null
    "region_che": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Region",
        "options": {
            "Aargau": "ag",
            "Appenzell Innerrhoden": "ai",
            "Appenzell Ausserrhoden": "ar",
            "Basel-Landschaft": "bl",
            "Basel-Stadt": "bs",
            "Bern": "be",
            "Fribourg": "fr",
            "Geneva": "ge",
            "Glarus": "gl",
            "Grisons": "gr",
            "Jura": "ju",
            "Luzern": "lu",
            "Neuch\u00e2tel": "ne",
            "Nidwalden": "nw",
            "Obwalden": "ow",
            "St. Gallen": "sg",
            "Schaffhausen": "sh",
            "Schwyz": "sz",
            "Solothurn": "so",
            "Thurgau": "tg",
            "Ticino": "ti",
            "Uri": "ur",
            "Valais": "vs",
            "Vaud": "vd",
            "Zug": "zg",
            "Z\u00fcrich": "zh"
        "dependency": "country=che",
        "value": null
    "region_gbr": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Region",
        "options": {
            "England": "eng",
            "Northern Ireland": "nir",
            "Scotland": "sct",
            "Wales": "wls"
        "dependency": "country=gbr",
        "value": null
    "region_usa": {
        "type": "combobox",
        "default": null,
        "description": "Region",
        "options": {
            "Alabama": "al",
            "Alaska": "ak",
            "Arizona": "az",
            "Arkansas": "ar",
            "California": "ca",
            "Colorado": "co",
            "Connecticut": "ct",
            "Delaware": "de",
            "District of Columbia": "dc",
            "Florida": "fl",
            "Georgia": "ga",
            "Hawaii": "hi",
            "Idaho": "id",
            "Illinois": "il",
            "Indiana": "in",
            "Iowa": "ia",
            "Kansas": "ks",
            "Kentucky": "ky",
            "Louisiana": "la",
            "Maine": "me",
            "Maryland": "md",
            "Massachusetts": "ma",
            "Michigan": "mi",
            "Minnesota": "mn",
            "Mississippi": "ms",
            "Missouri": "mo",
            "Montana": "mt",
            "Nebraska": "ne",
            "Nevada": "nv",
            "New Hampshire": "nh",
            "New Jersey": "nj",
            "New Mexico": "nm",
            "New York": "ny",
            "North Carolina": "nc",
            "North Dakota": "nd",
            "Ohio": "oh",
            "Oklahoma": "ok",
            "Oregon": "or",
            "Pennsylvania": "pa",
            "Rhode Island": "ri",
            "South Carolina": "sc",
            "South Dakota": "sd",
            "Tennessee": "tn",
            "Texas": "tx",
            "Utah": "ut",
            "Vermont": "vt",
            "Virginia": "va",
            "Washington": "wa",
            "West Virginia": "wv",
            "Wisconsin": "wi",
            "Wyoming": "wy"
        "dependency": "country=usa",
        "value": null
    "keyOpen": {
        "type": "keybinding",
        "description": "Show calendar",
        "default": "<Super>c",
        "tooltip": "Set keybinding(s) to show the calendar.",
        "value": "::"
    "worldclocks": {
        "type": "custom",
        "description": "World Clocks",
        "file": "",
        "widget": "ClocksList",
        "columns": [
                "id": "label",
                "title": "Display name",
                "type": "string"
                "id": "timezone",
                "title": "Timezone",
                "type": "string"
        "default": [],
        "value": []
    "__md5__": "39b2c423a72b18a831435c2f05d45d6d"

I use a Vpn, but the country I use in the applet corresponds to my locale.

ccprog commented 4 years ago

The bugfix in #3066 should help. Thank you for reporting this issue.

Bundy01 commented 4 years ago

I've been testing your new code. It's working fine. I'm shutting this issue down. Thank you.