Every time you 'open' Cheaty the window it uses is the same size (unless you have added/deleted a cheat-sheet).
You select a cheat-sheet and the width of the window increases.
You select an item and the width of the window increases.
You select a sub-item and the width of the window increases.
You close the sub-item and the width of the window decreases.
You close the item and the width of the window decreases.
You close the cheat-sheet and the width of the window decreases.
Also, the above sequence of window width increase/decrease is not consistent. Sometimes the width will decrease when you move the mouse pointer away from an item/sub-item.
I don't know about anybody else who uses this applet bit I find it very distracting/annoying. Is there any way to fix the width?
Prior to finding Cheaty I used a homegrown solution to display cheat-sheets. It consisted of a shell script that used zenity to display html format files in a scroll-able window. The only thing it could not do is copy the displayed code to the clipboard. You had to select/copy that the normal way.
I like Cheaty and planned to convert my html cheat-sheets to your json format but the constant window width increase/decrease is a 'game stopper'.
I might have a look at controlling the menu in a way similar to the main Cinnamon menu. The default PopupMenu class doesn't lend itself well to large amounts of content.
Applet name and maintainer
cheaty@centurix @centurix
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Every time you 'open' Cheaty the window it uses is the same size (unless you have added/deleted a cheat-sheet). You select a cheat-sheet and the width of the window increases. You select an item and the width of the window increases. You select a sub-item and the width of the window increases. You close the sub-item and the width of the window decreases. You close the item and the width of the window decreases. You close the cheat-sheet and the width of the window decreases.
Also, the above sequence of window width increase/decrease is not consistent. Sometimes the width will decrease when you move the mouse pointer away from an item/sub-item.
I don't know about anybody else who uses this applet bit I find it very distracting/annoying. Is there any way to fix the width?
Prior to finding Cheaty I used a homegrown solution to display cheat-sheets. It consisted of a shell script that used zenity to display html format files in a scroll-able window. The only thing it could not do is copy the displayed code to the clipboard. You had to select/copy that the normal way.
I like Cheaty and planned to convert my html cheat-sheets to your json format but the constant window width increase/decrease is a 'game stopper'.