linuxmint / cinnamon-spices-extensions

Extensions for the Cinnamon desktop
113 stars 102 forks source link Can we ask for requests here? Also a bug. #5

Open RaitaroH opened 7 years ago

RaitaroH commented 7 years ago

If we can ask for stuff then, can I ask for this extension made by @AnishN also in this repo here:

to have the option to set a default opacity for all unfocused windows (you know like KDE has). I know you can go to settings->windows and have the option to set an action for the wheel scroll to change the opacity but is not the same. I think this will be a nice addition to the Cinnamon DE itself nut just as an extension.

Now the bug with the same extension. If you snap a window, it will remain transparent. This won't change until I click on the titlebar. It will not change to 100% transparency even if I focus the window by clicking inside it (it only works if I click the tilebar). Btw on linux mint 17.3 here.

If you can't ask for requests here than I am sorry.

collinss commented 7 years ago

@RaitaroH Requests are fine. In the future, it will be helpful to include the extension you're making the request for in the issue title, and if you know the author's github name, include it in the description. That way your issue doesn't get lost in the crowd.

@AnishN if you are still interested in developing this extension could you please respond to this request?

RaitaroH commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the quick response. I will know next time I post.

Hope the extensions and other stuff that was kept on the new spices website to be fixed and have a better overall experience with Cinnamon.

Thank you Linux Mint Team!

mfreeman72 commented 3 years ago

I also am seeing the bug where snapping windows remain transparent until clicking on the titlebar. This has occurred in 17.x, 18.x, 19.x, and it's still there in 20.x. It's only a minor annoyance, but still an annoyance.

NikoKrause commented 3 years ago

@mfreeman72 Does this still happen?

mfreeman72 commented 3 years ago

@NikoKrause Yes, this is still happening on my system.

mfreeman72 commented 3 years ago

Here's a screenshot of the problem that I took right now. I snapped a LibreOffice window to one side of the screen, and it remained transparent afterward.


mfreeman72 commented 3 years ago

Also, there are some windows where I cannot get the transparency to end by clicking the title bar (specifically the annoying new Gnome 3 window format that has the really wide titlebar with menu buttons built into it). I have to close the window and re-open it.

NikoKrause commented 3 years ago

I can't reproduce this. Which Cinnamon version are you using? Does this happen always or sometimes? How do you snap the window? I'm dragging it holding the titlebar and moving it to the right edge. Do I have to do something else?

Have you changed the default settings of the extension?

Also have you updated the extension? If not, can you update the extension and then restart Cinnamon?

mfreeman72 commented 3 years ago

I'm using Cinnamon 4.8.6.

This happens every time I snap a window.

I snap the window by grabbing the titlebar and moving it to the screen edge I want it to snap to, just as you do.

The only value I may have changed in the configuration of the extension is the opacity level. When I revert the extension to the defaults, the problem still occurs.

The extension is at the newest version that is offered in Cinnamon Spices. I use the Spices Update applet, so I am maintaining a constantly up-to-date extension/applet/desklet setup.

I thought there could be a problem with conflicting applets/extensions, but after removing everything but the defaults that Cinnamon comes with and only adding in Opacify Windows, the problem still happens. But, just for good measure here is what I normally have installed:

Applets: Cinnamenu, KDE Connect Control Center, Spices Update, Weather, and then a handful of the default ones.

Extensions: Cinnamon Tweaks (a 3rd party extenstion from that used to be in Spices until the author had a disagreement with Mint's handling of Spices), Flipper, Opacify Windows, and Transparent Panels.

Desklets: Google Calendar

I also had a thought that it might be a problem with graphics drivers. My previous computer was solely AMD-based, running the Open Source AMDGPU driver. My current machine is a hybrid AMD/NVIDIA dual-GPU system, running both Open Source AMDGPU and proprietary NVIDIA drivers. Both computers have had this problem with the Opacify Windows extension.

NikoKrause commented 3 years ago

Hmm. I use Cinnamon 4.8 as well. It's weird that it happens for you all the time, but for me not at all.

Do any logs appear mentioning this extension in ~/xsession-errors when you snap and the window stays transparent?

mfreeman72 commented 3 years ago

The only mention of the extension in ~/.xsession-errors is saying that it was loaded:

Cjs-Message: 13:21:29.804: JS LOG: [LookingGlass/info] Loaded extension in 71 ms

mfreeman72 commented 3 years ago

@NikoKrause Just a thought... Since it's not happening for you, but it is happening for some others, like myself, could the difference be related to which graphics card driver is used?

mfreeman72 commented 2 years ago

Just checking to see if any headway has been made with this issue. I'm still experiencing it with the latest Cinnamon version available in LM 20.3 (5.2.7).

AndreiMiculita commented 2 years ago

Also experiencing the same issue @mfreeman72 is mentioning, in Cinnamon 5.2.7, on Mint 20.3.