linuxmint / cinnamon

A Linux desktop featuring a traditional layout, built from modern technology and introducing brand new innovative features.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Cinnamon Optimization #10221

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Any chance the project has a gaming focus? optimization or something that improves performance for Cinnamon gamers?

nikspyratos commented 2 years ago

Not a maintainer, but this interests me. What are you looking for specifically? In terms of active GPU use when not interacting with the DE I don't imagine Cinnamon takes up much resources.

Maybe not the advice you're keen on but there might be lighter DEs more to your liking as well? E.g. lots of XFCE ricing going on on r/unixporn that looks pretty nice while taking advantage of the lighter load.

ghost commented 2 years ago

Well I don't know exactly how they would do more they could focus on improving this experience. They could improve GPU consumption, perhaps switch to ARCH Linux instead of Ubuntu. They would have the packages much more updated and this could improve the experience for those who use Linux Mint Cinnamon not only to work, but to play as well. Some option or function like a boost to be applied when playing, improve or disable the window composer completely (as happens in XFCE and KDE). These options would be great and so people would stop switching to xfce because of this gaming performance issue. Maybe they could even create an NVIDIA proprietary driver installation tool to always keep the proprietary driver updated, etc...

Secret-chest commented 2 years ago

Well I don't know exactly how they would do more they could focus on improving this experience. They could improve GPU consumption, perhaps switch to ARCH Linux instead of Ubuntu. They would have the packages much more updated and this could improve the experience for those who use Linux Mint Cinnamon not only to work, but to play as well. Some option or function like a boost to be applied when playing, improve or disable the window composer completely (as happens in XFCE and KDE). These options would be great and so people would stop switching to xfce because of this gaming performance issue. Maybe they could even create an NVIDIA proprietary driver installation tool to always keep the proprietary driver updated, etc...

This is a really bad idea. How would users switch? All treit packages are gone. This is noot good. @clefebvre please don't implement this. I do not want my favorite distro to be ruined.

I mean the Arch idea.