linuxmint / cinnamon

A Linux desktop featuring a traditional layout, built from modern technology and introducing brand new innovative features.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Worspace does not save Position for each Application #12099

Closed cubetti2004 closed 3 months ago

cubetti2004 commented 3 months ago



Package version


Graphics hardware in use




Bug description

Not save position in workspaces for each application after restart/logout.

Steps to reproduce

Open application and move to workspace 2 Open application on workspace 1 Logout or restart. Then reopen applications. It is always on the the 1st workspace.

Expected behavior

Save application position and move application automatically to the appropiate workspace.

Additional information

No response

JosephMcc commented 3 months ago

This is not a bug. Cinnamon does not support saving the users session. Has nothing to do with the having workspaces involved. Some apps remember their size and position, some apps do not. It's really up to the application itself.

Session saving has been requested in the past but currently is not somethings that has focus or is being worked on.