linuxmint / cinnamon

A Linux desktop featuring a traditional layout, built from modern technology and introducing brand new innovative features.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Can't type into any text field no matter what window. #12113

Open mbluett88 opened 2 months ago

mbluett88 commented 2 months ago


Mint 21.3

Package version


Graphics hardware in use

NVIDIA Corporation TU117M [GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Mobile]


Only occasionally

Bug description

Every once in a while my desktop will not permit text entries in any window. I can open new apps. I can open a new tab in a browser. I can switch between windows. In some cases clicking on a menu item will not result in the expected drop-down menu. I can open the Cinnamon/desktop menu system. I just can't type in any text field.

A command prompt shows a rectangle at the place you would normally type something but it seems frozen (i.e., no typing and no display change).

I have tried unplugging my USB keyboard and replugging them which does not result in an immediate fix. After a period of trying various things it suddenly starts working again (i.e., I can type in various fields).

The last time this occurred, I open the Cinnamon menu and clicked on System Settings. Immediately after doing that I was able to type in the Search field. As well, all other windows were type-able.

Steps to reproduce

No idea what causes this to happen. It may have something to do with switching between app windows.

Expected behavior

Typing should always be available as per normal.

Additional information

No response

mbluett88 commented 2 months ago

I have found that this problem can be instantly but only temporarily resolved by simply opening System Settings.