linuxmint / cinnamon

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If Cinnamon + Gnome Users Turn Off Gnome's Animations, Cinnamon Turns Them Back On. #12130

Open MarjaE2 opened 1 month ago

MarjaE2 commented 1 month ago


Fedora 39 for T2 Mac

Package version


Graphics hardware in use

Intel Corporation CoffeeLake-H GT2 [UHD Graphics 630]



Bug description

I have both Cinnamon (my preferred desktop) and Gnome (the default desktop).

I have to disable a lot of animation. Otherwise I get migraines. Each has different accessibility settings to disable animations. In Cinnamon, these are under Preferences > Effects >"Desktop and window effects." In Gnome, these are under Accessibility > Visual.

If I log into Cinnamon, the animation settings persist. If I log into Gnome, they revert to the default, and I have o go through the animatioon to stop the animation to do anything else. I thought this was a Gnome bug, and reported there. But further testing shows that the Gnome setting persists after logging out of Gnome, and reverts after logging out of Cinnamon. This strongly suggests a Cinnamon bug is reverting the Gnome acessibility setting.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have both Cinnamon and Gnome installed on your system.
  2. Use Cinnamon > Preferences > Effects to disable "Desktop and window effects." Notice that most of the animation stops.
  3. Log out of Cinnamon and into Gnome Classic or Gnome.
  4. Use Gnome > Accessibility > Visual to disable animations there. Note that most of the animation stops.
  5. Log out of Cinnamon and into the console. If animation gives you migraines, do not look at the screen at this point, just type your username, enter, password, enter, and then echo -e "\e[?112c" to stop the blinding cursor. Then check gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations. It should list "false."
  6. Log into Cinnamon. Note that most of the animation has still stopped.
  7. Log out of Cinnamon and into the console again. Then check gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations. It will list "true."
  8. Log into Gnome Classic or Gnome. Note that most of the animation has returned. Check Gnome > Accessibility > Visual. Note that the animation settings have reverted.

Expected behavior

The Gnome accessibility settings should persist; Cinnamon should not revert them to their default values.

In step 7, gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface enable-animations should list "false."

In step 8, the animation should stay stopped, and the settings should not have been reverted.

Additional information

It's an accessibility issue, and it makes it harder for users who need these accessibility settings to test against other desktops.