linuxmint / cinnamon

A Linux desktop featuring a traditional layout, built from modern technology and introducing brand new innovative features.
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cornerbar: Properly filter windows not to transparentize on peek blur/opacity effects #12169

Closed anaximeno closed 3 days ago

anaximeno commented 3 weeks ago

To filter the desktop window from the others that should have been opacified and blurred, previously, the window title was being used to check if the name of the window was or was not equal to "Desktop", that won't work for all localizations because the title of the window "Desktop" will be translated to another thing in other languages (e.g. "Área de Trabalho" in Portuguese), so the filtering would not work.

This PR proposes instead to check the window type, which is a more reliable method to check whether the window is a desktop window.

+ Also filter dock type windows (like plank or latte) they shouldn't be transparent as well on peek