linuxmint / cinnamon

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Set power label to fixed width to stop it affecting adjacent applet icons #12181

Open Praful opened 2 weeks ago

Praful commented 2 weeks ago


Mint 21.3

Package version


Graphics hardware in use

Intel HD Graphics 520



Bug description

If you have display set to Show percentage and time remaining (and possibly other settings), the size of the label expands and shrinks. Whilst the percentage increases slowly (when you're charging) the time remaining can go from (H:MM) to (HH:MM). When this happens the label size changes, which results in other icons on the panel shifting left or right, which is distracting since you can see movement from the corner of your eye and think something significant is happening.

Steps to reproduce

Set display to Show percentage and time remaining and watch!

Expected behavior

The label should not be changing size. It should also consider whether you're using a fixed or proportional font. To avoid white space, the applet should pick one of these: n% (hh:mm) or nn% (hh:mm) until it reaches 100% (00:00). Similarly for other display settings.

This happened with the temperature applet but was fixed.

Additional information

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