Open IfGremlinThen opened 2 months ago
I confirm this behavior on my PC, too.
...-:::::-... guido@SATURN1
.-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-. -------------
.-MMMM`..-:::::::-..`MMMM-. OS: Linux Mint 22 x86_64
-MMM-M---MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.MMM- Kernel: 6.8.0-44-generic
`:MMM:MM` :MMMM:....::-...-MMMM:MMM:` Uptime: 27 mins
:MMM:MMM` :MM:` `` `` `:MMM:MMM: Packages: 2139 (dpkg)
.MMM.MMMM` :MM. -MM. .MM- `MMMM.MMM. Shell: bash 5.2.21
:MMM:MMMM` :MM. -MM- .MM: `MMMM-MMM: Resolution: 2560x1440
:MMM:MMMM` :MM. -MM- .MM: `MMMM:MMM: DE: Cinnamon 6.2.9
:MMM:MMMM` :MM. -MM- .MM: `MMMM-MMM: WM: Mutter (Muffin)
.MMM.MMMM` :MM:--:MM:--:MM: `MMMM.MMM. WM Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Aqua (Mint-Y)
:MMM:MMM- `-MMMMMMMMMMMM-` -MMM-MMM: Theme: Mint-Y-Dark-Aqua [GTK2/3]
:MMM:MMM:` `:MMM:MMM: Icons: Mint-Y-Sand [GTK2/3]
.MMM.MMMM:--------------:MMMM.MMM. Terminal: gnome-terminal
'-MMMM.-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-.MMMM-' CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7700 (16) @ 5.389GHz
'.-MMMM``--:::::--``MMMM-.' GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070
'-MMMMMMMMMMMMM-' GPU: AMD ATI 11:00.0 Raphael
``-:::::-`` Memory: 5002MiB / 31119MiB
Mint 22
Package version
Graphics hardware in use
No response
Quite often
Bug description
By far the most egregious issue with Linux Mint in the past two years has been this bug:
It has remained intact in every major release since Linux Mint 21. In summary, tiling windows to the left or right side of the screen in some pattern causes the mouse's interaction to become offset by an arbitrary distance. This borks everything from drag-and-drop to the spawn of the right-click menu, to your ability to simply click on what you want, and only undocking the window you're in temporarily resolves the issue. I hate it.
HOWEVER, in attempting to troubleshoot this issue in Linux Mint 22, I have encountered an entirely new bug which borks drag-and-drop for what appears to be the remainder of your session. It's VERY finnicky to reproduce and while my reproduction steps involve a live environment and the experimental Wayland session, this bug is NOT exclusive to the experimental Wayland session.
I have used the following steps to reproduce this issue 3 times.
Steps to reproduce
It does not work.
Expected behavior
test.txt is moved from Test to Documents.
Additional information
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