linuxmint / cinnamon

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German translations in menu (Categories are in english) #643

Closed dtrunk90 closed 11 years ago

dtrunk90 commented 12 years ago

There are already german translations for menu categories, but in Cinnamon's menu they're still in english:

mhenze commented 12 years ago

Can confirm this for Cinnamon 1.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 Beta 2.

AlbertJP commented 12 years ago

At me the categories are properly translated into Dutch.

dtrunk90 commented 12 years ago

I'm using Cinnamon 1.4 on Ubuntu 11.10 If any logs are required, I'm here ;-)

sebgn commented 12 years ago

I have the same issue with french translation on Ubuntu 12.04 and Cinnamon 1.4. Menu categories are still in english.

neugear commented 12 years ago

Same problem with german translation in LM12.

Lucas-Sichardt commented 12 years ago

I can confirm that problem in Linux Mint 13 Maya Cinnamon for German language. All language support is installed.

I'd help translating but launchpad says German translation for Cinnamon is complete...

jgoclawski commented 12 years ago

I can confirm it affects Linux Mint 13 Maya Cinnamon for Polish language as well. This site here ( says Cinnamon has full Polish translation, so I guess it's a bug somewhere. Not only categories are not translated, but also the description for Cinnamon Settings, see image:

AlbertJP commented 12 years ago

Yes, Clem has admitted that this is a bug in Cinnamon - He'll maybe look into it soon.

dtrunk90 commented 12 years ago


Categories are german now, but entries itself are english now in latest nightly from ppa (1.5.2-20120727044007-precise)

mhenze commented 12 years ago

I can confirm, that categories are now correctly displayed in German (1.5.7-20120906044007-precise from ppa). However, the entries itself are still in English.

dtrunk90 commented 11 years ago

push ...still an issue

Cobinja commented 11 years ago

I'm using German as well and don't have those issues anymore, neither with categories nor with entries. Could you try latest Cinnamon from git? How to do this: Those packages are automatically updated from git every night.

dtrunk90 commented 11 years ago

I already use the nightly ppa and I'm up to date (1.6.1-20121003044009-precise) but entries are still in english...

AlbertJP commented 11 years ago

Since the categories are now translated properly, I'm closing this. For problems with untranslated menu items (instead of categories) please see #1286.