Open aleksey1831981 opened 3 years ago
try this, adjust the path to ilook.m3u
t = open("ilook.m3u", "r").read()
tlist = t.splitlines()
name = ""
group = ""
url = ""
result = ["#EXTM3U"]
for line in tlist[1:]:
if "EXTINF:0" in line:
name = f'#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="{line.partition(",")[2]}"'
elif "EXTGRP" in line:
group = f'group-title="{line.partition("EXTGRP:")[2]}"'
url = line
print(f'{name} {group}\n{url}')
result.append(f'{name} {group}\n{url}')
with open("ilook_converted.m3u", "w") as f:
and you will get something like this
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="First FHD" group-title="General"
If this code works, will you add support for ILOOKTV playlists in the next release? It would be nice if hypnotix would automatically detect the type of playlist and work with it correctly. I think this will make hypnotix easier to use, and will encourage mass adoption)
I also have a question about EPG. Does Hypnotix support EPG? If I specify an EPG file then it doesn't work. I tried .xml.gz and .xml but it doesn't work.
If necessary, I can create a new issue.
If this code works, will you add support for ILOOKTV playlists in the next release?
I don't know, I'm not the developer of hypnotix
Does Hypnotix support EPG?
I think no, hypnotix uses imdb for movies and series
try this, adjust the path to ilook.m3u
@Axel-Erfurt hello from Russia! Your script is not working with this playlist:
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Group 1" tvg-logo="",Channel 1
#EXTINF:-1 group-title="Group 2" tvg-logo="",Channel 2
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="",Channel 3
#EXTGRP:Group 3
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="",Channel 4
#EXTGRP:Group 4
can you fix it please?
try this
t = open("test.m3u", "r").read()
tlist = t.splitlines()
name = '""'
group = ""
url = '""'
logo = '""'
result = ["#EXTM3U"]
for x in range (1, len(tlist)-1):
line = tlist[x]
nextline = tlist[x+1]
if "#EXTINF" in line and not "tvg-name" in line:
name = line.rpartition(",")[2]
if 'group-title=' in line:
group = line.rpartition('group-title="')[2].partition('"')[0]
group = ""
if 'tvg-logo=' in line:
logo = line.rpartition('tvg-logo="')[2].partition('"')[0]
logo = ""
if not "EXTGRP" in nextline:
url = nextline
group = nextline.partition('#EXTGRP:')[2]
url = tlist[x+2]
result.append(f'#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="{name}" group-title="{group}" tvg-logo="{logo}",{name}\n{url}')
with open("test_converted.m3u", "w") as f:
Result with your example is:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Channel 1" group-title="Group 1" tvg-logo="",Channel 1
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Channel 2" group-title="Group 2" tvg-logo="",Channel 2
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Channel 3" group-title="Group 3" tvg-logo="",Channel 3
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-name="Channel 4" group-title="Group 4" tvg-logo="",Channel 4
@Axel-Erfurt works perfect with all my playlists, thank you!
In the last few days I have written an m3uEditor. With it you can edit your converted m3u.
Versions for Gtk or PyQt5
Hello. My primary language is Russian. But I will try to write clear words)
I have an IPTV provider
When I load a .M3U playlist from, hypnotix does not see the channel grouping. Although Free-IPTV has grouping.
Free-IPTV has the following format: has the following format:
Can I hope that this will be fixed and hypnotix will be able to read the playlist from without additional magic? Or should I use this solution: ?