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Use streamer for webcam face capture #57

Closed kernc closed 7 years ago

kernc commented 10 years ago

A simple small V4L-compatible utility. streamer, replaces OpenCV, the code for which, as used, was deprecated anyway.

kernc commented 9 years ago

Bump. :-)

The arguments for streamer as opposed to OpenCV are these:

If we're not doing auto face detection with biometric feature extraction, OpenCV is an overkill.

clefebvre commented 9 years ago

What webcam was this tested with?

kernc commented 9 years ago

Regular USB webcam. It should work with any webcam. Doesn't it? As the former implementation, this too uses the first recognized Video4Linux device, e. g. /dev/video0.

dralley commented 8 years ago

Hi @kernc

I was testing this code to include in a Pull Request for Cinnamon, but I noticed that your use of convert to downsize the photo doesn't do exactly what the old algorithm was doing. If you don't crop the photo to a square first, resizing the image will result in a non-square account picture (96x72 in my case). It may be best to continue using the old algorithm for cropping the account picture, but still using streamer for taking the picture.

Also, you can use len(glob.glob("/dev/video*")) > 0 to check for webcams without activating the activity light, which is something that Clem mentioned would like avoid in the Cinnamon Issue reference above.

kernc commented 8 years ago

Thanks. Both fixed.

kernc commented 7 years ago

Well, this took long enough. Thanks for merging. :smiley: